目前分類:Europe 歐洲 (8)

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對喜歡開車的人來說,2000e公里的路或許不是很遠.不過對不喜歡開車的我而言,說真的不是一件簡單的差事. For those people likes to drive a car, maybe 2000km is not a long distance driving. For me, I don’t like to drive a car at all, so drive 2000km for me is a hard job.

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我們雖然沒有小孩,也沒長時間住在德國.但拜我家小姑的寶貝女兒之賜,幾年前她入學時接受邀請去參觀她的入學式. We don’t have any kid and the time we live in Germany also very short. Because of my husband’s niece, I had the chance to see how was the first day in primary school for German kids.

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阿爾貝羅貝洛是位於義大利南部普利亞大區巴里省的一個小城.於1996年列為世界文化遺產.Alberobello is a small town which located in south Italy, Puglia (or Apulia) region, Bari. In 1996 became world heritage place.

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這次假期特別安排在七月底的原因之一是為了參加同事的婚禮.一般而言,不是好朋友在歐洲是不會被邀請參加的.所以我們說什麼也要想辦法參加. This year we arranged our holiday in end of July, one of the reason was going to colleague’s wedding in Czech. Normally, if you are not a good friend you won’t be invited for the wedding. Therefore, we tried our best to go to the wedding.

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大多數的人到了瑞士都到著名的觀光景點,像是蘇黎世,琉森,盧桑,少女峰等等. 我因為工作之便加上朋友之賜,這些地方早些年我都去過了.我這趟瑞士之旅是專程拜訪朋友的.所以到的地方幾乎都不是觀光的地方,就算是的話也幾乎沒有亞洲的遊客.Most of people travel to Switzerland are going to visit Zuerich, Luzern, Lausanne Jungfraubahn etc. Because of my work before and I have a friend in Switzerland, most of places I have been already. Therefore, for this trip just specially visit my friend. Those places I have been this time were not for tourists. Even it was, there were hardly to see an Asian.

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在東西方有時會看到相同的情景,但感受卻不太一樣的. Sometime you can see the similar situation between East and West but the feeling is very different.

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Our home in Italy is located in south of Italy which is called "Martina Franca".我們的家座落在義大利南部ㄧ個叫"Martina Franca"的鄉下.

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First one is testing how it works.

This is the front yard.

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