目前分類:Japan 日本 (21)

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可能我從小就是遷移的命吧!從小到大搬家的次數多到自己也記不清了.現在跟我家老公嫁雞隨雞,更是每一,兩年就要搬一次家.想到打包我就一個頭兩個大. Since I was young, I often moved from one place to the others with my family that I even could not remember how many times I had moved. After I married, because my husband’s work, every one or two year have to move to a new place. Right now whenever I think about packing, I have headache.

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Because my husband’s work always has to move from one place to the other, so almost every year we celebrate our New Year in different places. This year we celebrate in Japan. 因為我家老公工作的緣故,我們幾乎每年都在不同的地方過新年.今年我們是在日本慶祝的.

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Omochi is very important for Japanese. During the normal time, Japanese has a lot of different desserts made by omochi. New year time even more important that every family must have Omochi and it will be the main dishes for most of Japanese family. 麻糬在日本佔了相當重要的地位.在平時,有很多菓子都是用麻糬的原料來製作.到了過年,麻糬更是重要.幾乎家家戶戶都要準備,同時新年期間吃麻糬幾乎是主要的正餐.

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由於公主我的一口濫牙,德國的醫生特別吩咐我要每三個月到牙醫做一次專業的洗牙.為了不讓自己太早成了名符其實的老公主.雖然要自費,也只能乖乖的到牙醫那裡洗牙去. Because my teeth are quite bad, my German dentist has asked my every 3 months has to go to the dentist for a professional cleaning. I don’t want to loss all my teeth in such young age, even I have to pay by myself, I still have to go.

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經歷了搭車驚魂後,匆匆與我家鄰居會合,前往巴士搭乘地-----倉敷車站.沿路我跟我家老公昏昏沉沉的睡到廣島縣跟山口縣的交界後,總算清醒了. After the terrible experience of taking taxi, finally we met our neighbor and went to Kurashiki train station to wait for the bus. On the way, my husband and I were so tired that we slept almost all the way till we reached the boundary between Yamaguchi and Hiroshima.

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前兩天跟我家老公上四國的坂出辦事.由於在坂出有另一個工程,所以我們就順道去拜訪同事.因為隔天我們要跟鄰居去山口縣看楓葉.出門前就跟我家老公說好不要太晩回家.我們為省錢,所以把車停在兒島做便宜有快的電車往坂出出發. Last weekend we went to Sakaide. Because there is other project in Sakaide from my husband’s company. We went to visit colleagues as well. Next day was the Sunday we were going with our neighbor to Yamaguchi for the red leaves. We decided wouldn’t come home too last and took train to save the money.

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剛到日本時就有人跟我說姬路城是日本最美的城堡.但是我看過岡山城後我想應該是差不多,所以也就不是很有興趣.這次表妹到日本來找我,因為安排的地方都是在這附近.所以也就理所當然的去看看了. When we first arrived Japan, Japanese colleagues told us we should visit Himiji because it’s very beautiful. After I visit Okayama castle, I thought all of the Japanese castles should be the same. Therefore, I don’t visit Himiji until my cousin visit me.

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11月3日是日本的國定假日.本來是要跟車隊到米子去玩.由於當地的天氣不好臨時取消.為了不要辜負這裡的好天氣,我們決定到神戶走一走. November 3 is national holiday in Japan. We planed to go to Yonago with bike group, but the weather forecast said the weather was not so good in Yonago. Therefore, the group canceled the trip. In our area the weather was very nice, so we decided to go to Kobe.

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阿蘇位於九州的熊本縣,有著著名的火山和溫泉.趁著十月的好天氣跟連休,隨者摩托車隊一同到阿蘇旅遊. A-So is located in Kumamoto, Kyushu island. There has famous volcano and hot spring. The weather is very nice in October and there are 3 days holiday. We follow the motorbike shop’s arrangement have a trip to A-so.

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到日本已經有半年多了.由於語言不通造成生活上種種的不便,加上日本人有禮但不友善的態度以及超高的物價,讓我對日本的印象是大打折扣.不過住在日本真的一點好處都沒有吗? 也不盡然.我就我個人的觀點舉幾項事物供大家參考. I am where in Japan more than half year now. At beginning, because of language, we had a lot of troubles. Plus the Japanese are polite but not friendly and living cost is very high that let me have a bad impression about Japan. Is there any advantage live in Japan? To be honest, of course it has. I will tell you something from my point of view.

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我跟我先生到日本工作,因為都不會說日文,所以生活上很不方便.為了生活能方便一些,我就近找了一所日語學校學起日文. Because my husband and I cannot speak Japanese, it is very inconvenient for us to live in Japan. Therefore, I find a school nearby to learn Japanese.

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Most of people come to Japan either for traveling, studying, working or married a Japanese. Somebody like me follow husband to come to here, I think won’t be too much.大多數的人到日本要不就是觀光,留學或是工作,要不就是跟日本人結婚.像我這樣拖油瓶似的跟著丈夫到這裡的好樣不是很多.

Before I came to Japan, I was so look forward it. I was in China almost 8 years and I had enough of those uncivilized behavior, such as spitting or not follow the traffic light. 在我到日本以前,我在中國住了將近8年.因為受夠了在中國隨地吐痰或是不遵守交通規則等不文明的行為.對於到日本,我是充滿著期待.

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In Hiroshima, Peace park is a very important place to visit. 到廣島,和平公園是一個必要參觀的地方.

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Most of my husband’s friends or relatives have motorbike. One a while we will meet those people who have same hobby and show their love bike as well. 我家老公的朋友或親戚大多有重型機車.每隔一段時間各路人馬就會聚在一起,話話家常同時展示一下自己心愛的車子.

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Ritsurin Park is a national Scenic area in Shikoku island, Kagawa prefecture, Takamatsu city.栗林公園是位於四國島上香川縣高松市的一個名勝公園.

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Few days ago by accident we saw a Japanese wedding. Very interesting. 前幾天到附近的阿智神社去逛逛,碰巧看到了日式婚禮.挺有趣的.

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In Japan there are 2 children’s day. One is for girls on March 3rd. The other one is on May 5th for boys, but the really children day for Japanese is May 5th.在日本小朋友的節日分為女兒節跟男孩節(應該是這樣說的吧).一個是在三月三日的女兒節,一個則是五月五日的男孩節.但定義上的兒童節是五月五日.

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Spring in Japan is very important, there are a lot of activities during middle of March through May. In Kurashiki, spring night is the beginning of all events. 春天在日本是個很重要的季節.我們會知道櫻花開的時間跟地點外,還有一連串的活動一直到五月截止.在我們住的倉敷市,春宵之祭就是個起頭.

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When we move to a new place, one important thing is where to put the garbage. 每當我們搬到一個新的地方,除了一般的生活起居外還有一件很重要的是,那就是倒垃圾.

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Since we arrive Japan, we look for a normal market, finally we find one. 自從我們到日本後,四處打聽哪裡有菜市場.上週日總算是找到了.

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