最近下定決心好好學習德文.因為我所在的地方都沒有學校可以學德文,加上聽朋友說網路上有可以學習德文的網站.所以痛定思痛的狠下心來加入網路學習.Recently I finally decide to learn German serious. According to the place I stay has no school for learning German, plus I have heard my friend said that someone she knew has learned German from the internet successfully. So I spend my time and money and start to learn my German from the internet.

自從我報名付費到現在已經有一星期的時間了吧.剛開始要報名前你要先到學校的購物網站去選要上的課.對我這種網路白痴來說,簡直是困難重重.好不容易花上一星期報上名付完錢後, 痛苦的日子才開始.首先要先註冊登錄.花了許久的時間總算登錄成功,以為可以開始我學習的日程.結果我只到了最前面的目錄.不知道為什麼我總是找不到門路進入學習的網頁.Since I paid till now almost one week. At first beginning of course I have to go to the page from the school to pick up the suitable lesson. To be honest, I am very bad in the internet. I had a lot of difficulties to fill in the pages and pay the money. However, I did and I was happy that I could start my German but it just the pain start. First of all, I could not login and I have to send the mail several times to ask what happen. After I login, I just can see the front page which introduce you how to use it. After all, I cannot get into the learning page so far.

我實在不明白那些成功在網路學習的人士需要具備哪些條件? 如果像我們這樣網路白痴的人在未來的世界裡將如何的生存.因為電腦這東西更新的相當的快.我們這種沒有上班沒有太多機會受到知識衝擊的人很快會被淘汰.想到這裡我就相當的惶恐.I really curious those people who learns from the internet successfully needs what kind of skill? Someone like me don’t know about the internet so well how to survive in the future? Computer things are update so fast that someone like me is hard to catch up , when I think about this, I feel so terrified.

不管怎樣,錢已經付了,我還是要繼續奮鬥下去.直到我可以開始學習為止.等到我開始了我的學習路程再跟大家說說到底是怎麼一回事吧!! Anyhow, I have paid the fee so I need to continue to fight for it. After I start my lesson I will let you know what’s going on!!!


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