Finish the work in China, we fly to Japan directly. I think my husband loves his work very much. No holiday in between.


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在唐海實在沒有任何娛樂.尤其是正當娛樂.所以我們除了到外地旅遊外,就是釣魚去. In Tanghai, there is nothing we can do during our spare time, specially the normal activities. Except go somewhere else, go fishing is one of the few things we can do.

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Hotel and others.....Now let's talk about other things--Living. If you come to Tanghai, specially like us have to stay here for a long time, you must bring a lot of money with you. Why?????

Princess45 發表在 痞客邦 留言(5) 人氣()


Post office.... Because we often send mails or packages to our friends abroad, go to post office is very normal for us. There are no porblem at all in China in the other cities, and most of them are very friendly. But I have total different experience recently.

Princess45 發表在 痞客邦 留言(3) 人氣()

在唐海已經有三個月的時間了.在這三個月的時間了, 我經歷了不少前所未見的中國經驗.有些是還真是不解啊!!! In Tanghai almost 3 months now. In these time, I had so many experiences which I have never ever had in China, sometimes it is hard to understand!!!!

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