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對喜歡開車的人來說,2000e公里的路或許不是很遠.不過對不喜歡開車的我而言,說真的不是一件簡單的差事. For those people likes to drive a car, maybe 2000km is not a long distance driving. For me, I don’t like to drive a car at all, so drive 2000km for me is a hard job.

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由於公主我的一口濫牙,德國的醫生特別吩咐我要每三個月到牙醫做一次專業的洗牙.為了不讓自己太早成了名符其實的老公主.雖然要自費,也只能乖乖的到牙醫那裡洗牙去. Because my teeth are quite bad, my German dentist has asked my every 3 months has to go to the dentist for a professional cleaning. I don’t want to loss all my teeth in such young age, even I have to pay by myself, I still have to go.

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我們雖然沒有小孩,也沒長時間住在德國.但拜我家小姑的寶貝女兒之賜,幾年前她入學時接受邀請去參觀她的入學式. We don’t have any kid and the time we live in Germany also very short. Because of my husband’s niece, I had the chance to see how was the first day in primary school for German kids.

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阿爾貝羅貝洛是位於義大利南部普利亞大區巴里省的一個小城.於1996年列為世界文化遺產.Alberobello is a small town which located in south Italy, Puglia (or Apulia) region, Bari. In 1996 became world heritage place.

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