經歷了搭車驚魂後,匆匆與我家鄰居會合,前往巴士搭乘地-----倉敷車站.沿路我跟我家老公昏昏沉沉的睡到廣島縣跟山口縣的交界後,總算清醒了. After the terrible experience of taking taxi, finally we met our neighbor and went to Kurashiki train station to wait for the bus. On the way, my husband and I were so tired that we slept almost all the way till we reached the boundary between Yamaguchi and Hiroshima.

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前兩天跟我家老公上四國的坂出辦事.由於在坂出有另一個工程,所以我們就順道去拜訪同事.因為隔天我們要跟鄰居去山口縣看楓葉.出門前就跟我家老公說好不要太晩回家.我們為省錢,所以把車停在兒島做便宜有快的電車往坂出出發. Last weekend we went to Sakaide. Because there is other project in Sakaide from my husband’s company. We went to visit colleagues as well. Next day was the Sunday we were going with our neighbor to Yamaguchi for the red leaves. We decided wouldn’t come home too last and took train to save the money.

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剛到日本時就有人跟我說姬路城是日本最美的城堡.但是我看過岡山城後我想應該是差不多,所以也就不是很有興趣.這次表妹到日本來找我,因為安排的地方都是在這附近.所以也就理所當然的去看看了. When we first arrived Japan, Japanese colleagues told us we should visit Himiji because it’s very beautiful. After I visit Okayama castle, I thought all of the Japanese castles should be the same. Therefore, I don’t visit Himiji until my cousin visit me.

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11月3日是日本的國定假日.本來是要跟車隊到米子去玩.由於當地的天氣不好臨時取消.為了不要辜負這裡的好天氣,我們決定到神戶走一走. November 3 is national holiday in Japan. We planed to go to Yonago with bike group, but the weather forecast said the weather was not so good in Yonago. Therefore, the group canceled the trip. In our area the weather was very nice, so we decided to go to Kobe.

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阿蘇位於九州的熊本縣,有著著名的火山和溫泉.趁著十月的好天氣跟連休,隨者摩托車隊一同到阿蘇旅遊. A-So is located in Kumamoto, Kyushu island. There has famous volcano and hot spring. The weather is very nice in October and there are 3 days holiday. We follow the motorbike shop’s arrangement have a trip to A-so.

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