In Hiroshima, Peace park is a very important place to visit. 到廣島,和平公園是一個必要參觀的地方.

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Most of my husband’s friends or relatives have motorbike. One a while we will meet those people who have same hobby and show their love bike as well. 我家老公的朋友或親戚大多有重型機車.每隔一段時間各路人馬就會聚在一起,話話家常同時展示一下自己心愛的車子.

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Ritsurin Park is a national Scenic area in Shikoku island, Kagawa prefecture, Takamatsu city.栗林公園是位於四國島上香川縣高松市的一個名勝公園.

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Few days ago by accident we saw a Japanese wedding. Very interesting. 前幾天到附近的阿智神社去逛逛,碰巧看到了日式婚禮.挺有趣的.

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In Japan there are 2 children’s day. One is for girls on March 3rd. The other one is on May 5th for boys, but the really children day for Japanese is May 5th.在日本小朋友的節日分為女兒節跟男孩節(應該是這樣說的吧).一個是在三月三日的女兒節,一個則是五月五日的男孩節.但定義上的兒童節是五月五日.

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