
Post office.... Because we often send mails or packages to our friends abroad, go to post office is very normal for us. There are no porblem at all in China in the other cities, and most of them are very friendly. But I have total different experience recently.

Recently I wanted to send a wedding gife to my neighbour in Italy. Accourding to our experience in the pass, we cannot pack the package in order to the post office can check what we are going to send. When I brought my package and card to the head post office in Tanghai. I told the counter I would like to send a package to Italy, she just told me "wait" !!!I though I had to wait in the line( nobody line here in Tanghai). When my turned, the counter told me she didn't know how to do and I had to wait for the manager, I almost got angry......, when I asked her how long I had to wait, " I don't know" was the answer. I was so angry and asked them to call the manager. Following is more interesting........


When the manager came back, she just told me they cannot do it. If we wanted to send to Italy, go to EMS. DO you know how expensive it is??????? So, I decided to complain to the big boss......., but it was worse. The big boss was very unfriendly. Good that I have some knowledge about sending package, finally big boss agree that I could send the package. Then I went back to the counter. It was hard to believe that the counter manager shouted to her big boss and told him if he didn't know anything, he should keep his month shut. WA.........................., but it won't work to me because I have more experience than her, after I asked so many "why" and "why"......, she finally admit that they never send the package to abroad before and they don't have forms. You can imagine that I gave them a terrible hard time. But........, it is not the end.

接下來呢,我們就問何時可以寄,首先她跟我要電話,說單子來了才可以寄,到時候再通知我.各位朋友都知道我公主我是個急性子的,那能等. 他又說不會辦,所以我就堅持他立刻打電話問清何時可以給我辦,要怎麼辦.結果得一個結論是下星期一,但前提是要有正規發票(問到的結果).又是一個令人發火的話題.公主我在中國將近七年的時間,從南寄到北.到世界各地寄過無數次的包裹,頭一回要附上正本發票,說是海關要檢查.我說沒發票,主管就說ㄧ句" 那就寄不了". 氣的公主我回家趕快投訴.

When I asked her "when I can send the package?" . She asked my phone No. and said when the form arrived she will call me. Everybody knows that I don't have the patience, how can I wait. She also said she didn't know the procedure, I insisted her to call right away to ask how to handle. So, the final answer was next week I can come but I have to bring original invoice. It is another thing make me up to the air. Since I live in China almost 7 years, I have sent several packages from north to south of China. When I travel to other country, I have sent packages, too. Ask for the original invoice or just copy invoice is very very first time. The reason is custom need it. I told her there is no invoice, the answer is way to send the package. I hurry home to call the head quarter to complain.........

長話短說吧,經過我幾番詢問,投訴,我們決定前往唐山郵寄包裹.在唐山同樣周旋了一番,好不容易在我們的堅持下唐山的總局接受了我們沒發票也可以寄的說法.當我們鬆了一口氣時,問題又來了.其他櫃檯人員七嘴八舌的說沒發票寄不了.我就說別地方寄的了為啥你寄不了.有位櫃員說這裡是唐山,氣的我說那請你改名為唐山郵政不要叫中國郵政,那我就沒話講.是中國郵政到哪都一樣.不只這些,表格上的寄件人地址要我寫英文.給誰看啊,要是退回來我已經註明"China", 中國人看中文寫英文幹嘛........總之,到最後香腸先生也來氣了,不寄了.這ㄧ次我們準備寄快件到義大利,但下ㄧ次呢???????????

Anyway, after I called several places, we decided to go to Tangshan to send the package. In Tangshan we had same problem but because we insisted we never attach invoice and never had problem. Tangshan post office accept our package. When we though finally......., problem came again!!!!! Other counter started said, without invoice should not work and so on....., I asked why other city can send but not here, one of the lady said because here is Tangshan. I told her, please change the name to "Tangshan Post Office" instead of " China Post", then I will agree what she said. Not only this, in the end, they asked me to write in English for the sender's address......... who will read this? In China of course read Chinese, why should I write in English. In case the package return, I have written "China" already.......... However, in the end Mr. Sausage was very angry and we got our package back. We will send the package by EMS this time, but how about the next time???????????????????????????

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