在唐海實在沒有任何娛樂.尤其是正當娛樂.所以我們除了到外地旅遊外,就是釣魚去. In Tanghai, there is nothing we can do during our spare time, specially the normal activities. Except go somewhere else, go fishing is one of the few things we can do.

第一次去釣魚是海釣.大批人馬上船到海裡釣魚. First time went fishing was to the ocean. We went on the boat and got ready to go.

手忙腳亂的準備著 Busy for preparing

到點了,準備大顯身手 Arrived the place whcih may have a lot of fish

大家耐心的等著魚上鉤 Everybody was waiting for the fish

結果第一次釣魚失敗.十個人只釣到一隻小魚,一隻小螃蟹. First time fishing was fail. Just one small fish and one samll crab.

第二次釣魚改在漁場.Second time fishing we went to the fish farm.

雖然很冷,但為了吃魚,只好耐心等著. It was cold but for luch time we need the fish for the nice dishes, we have to be patient.

釣不到乾脆捕魚吧. There is no fish, let's use the net to catch the fish.

還撈不到,再換個地方. Change to other place, maybe has more.

這不是我們釣到或撈到的魚.是到另一個漁場漁夫幫我們抓的魚. It's not the fish we catched. It was fish man catched for us.

釣不到魚就好好吃魚吧. Although we could not catch the fish, we still had nice fish for lunch.


除了魚還有螃蟹,皮皮蝦等好吃的海鮮. Except the fish, we still had crab and other nice sea food.

吃飽喝足了,也結束了我們的釣魚記. After nice meal, we finish our nice fishing trip.

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