When we move to a new place, one important thing is where to put the garbage. 每當我們搬到一個新的地方,除了一般的生活起居外還有一件很重要的是,那就是倒垃圾.

Before I arrived Japan, Germany is the most strict country for the garbage that I have ever stayed. Right now I think , Japan is the most!!!!! 在沒到日本以前,德國算是我去過的國家中對垃圾分類要求最嚴格的國家了.現在日本可在我的排行板上排第一了!!!!!

In China, it is so convenient that every apartment building has one big bin. You just go down and up it in. Even though, still a lot of families just leave their garbage on the stair way. Sometimes, the dirty water comes out, makes the stair way smell so terrible. 當我們住在中國的時候,到垃圾從來就不是問題.因為每個公寓門前就有一個大桶子,只要把垃圾丟進去就可以了.即使如此的方便,很多人還是把垃圾往家門口的樓梯一放,有時髒水弄得整個公寓臭氣沖天.

Germany is famous about very strict for the waste. We have to separate the different type of waste into the different bin. We also can go to the special trash yard to through the big staff, such as old furniture,,,,,,,. Just you have to do it by yourself . Anyway, most of the time we can leave the waste when we have time. 對垃圾分類,德國是出了名的嚴格.我們要將各種不同的垃圾分類好丟到不同的垃圾箱.對於大件家具可以送到特殊的垃圾處理中心,只不過大多數我們得自己動手送到位並且分類好.

In Italy, although it is one of the European Union country, it just likes China, very convenient. Maybe because I live at country side, several meters have trash bins which we can put the garbage anytime. 在義大利,雖然同樣是歐盟國家,但倒垃圾這事可方便多了.或許是因為我們住在鄉下吧,反正每隔數十米就有一個大桶.不用分類都進去就好了.

Now,let's talk about Japan. First, it likes Germany, we have to separate the garbage. It's no problem for me. And then, for paper, you have to put them in order and tie together. For plastic bottles, we have to clean it and bring to supermarket recycle bin. For milk paper box, we have to clean and dry it, open it like a pice of paper and bring to supermarket recycle bin or as a paper waste. Not only those, but also for the cans, for cosmetics bottles, for clothes......, almost everything have to put in order. And then........, we only can go to the trash area which you belong to and at certain day , certain time. Normally it's locked.
現在讓我們說說日本吧. 在這裡跟德國一樣必須垃圾分類,這點倒是難不倒我.接下來呢,就有點繁雜.比如說紙吧,要分哪一類的紙之外,還要將紙弄得一般大小,再把它們捆在一起.還有寶特瓶,喝完洗乾淨後丟到超市的回收箱.牛奶盒要洗乾淨晾乾後,拿到超市回收箱或是跟紙類放一起.當然要把它們分解好才可以喔!不止這些,還有罐頭,寶麗龍的盒子,化妝品的空罐,紙還分不同的紙類,不可以放一起.衣服,破布,毯子等等又有分類喔!你以為這樣而已嗎? 才不呢,你只能到指定的垃圾區去放你家的垃圾.而且在指定的日子,指定的時間,平常是上鎖的.

How to handle the waste.JPG

How to handle  the waste.JPG

I think that is why even Japan is so clean, still have cockroach sometimes. 我想這就是為什麼即使日本家庭那麼的乾淨,還是有小強存在的原因吧!!


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