我跟我先生到日本工作,因為都不會說日文,所以生活上很不方便.為了生活能方便一些,我就近找了一所日語學校學起日文. Because my husband and I cannot speak Japanese, it is very inconvenient for us to live in Japan. Therefore, I find a school nearby to learn Japanese.

我的學校不是大學或是專門學校,而是由日本文化交流協會所辦的日文學校.學校的老師都是義工.而且都是一對一的教學.每週上課次數可以自由選擇.每次上課兩小時,中間還有茶水跟點心.每月收費為100日圓. 沒錯,就是100日圓而已.當初我找到這學校就是因為學費便宜.只是沒想到這麼便宜,而且中間還有點心!!!!!我要是坐公車上學的話,一趟路就可以交半年的學費了. My school isn’t a university or a language school. It’s a culture center. All the teachers are volunteers and the lesson is one to one. You can come to school as much as you can. Every lesson is 2 hours and in between we have tea time for free. We have to pay 100 yen/month. Yes, just 100 yen. I pick up this school because it is cheap, just don’t know that cheap. Every time I go to school by bus, it will cost me half year’s Japanese school fee.



除此之外,每年學校還舉辦兩次活動.一次是前不久的七夕.夏天在日本有很多有趣的活動,有些地方在七月慶祝中元節,有些地方則依中國農曆在八月左右慶祝中元節(在日本稱為盂蘭盆節). 七夕一樣有著牛郎織女的淒美故事.大家寫上各自的心願掛在竹子上.讓我有一種回家的感覺又不太像,挺有趣的.學校的活動讓每位同學帶一份食物跟大家分享外,還有自我介紹及小遊戲.這樣可以測試一下平常的學習效果如何.最後呢,還有獎品喔!!!!真是賺到不少. 聽說下一次是在聖誕節,我現在挺期待的. Besides, every year there are 2 times activity. One is in summer and one is in winter. There are a lot of interesting activities in Japan during summer. They celebrate “Obon” in July or August, a lot of places have “ bon odori”, that’s kind of dance. They also have a love story as Chinese Valentine. During this period, people write down their wishes and up on a bamboo tree. At school’s party, everyone bring one dish and share the food. We also introduce ourselves and play some games to test our Japanese. In the end, everyone gets a gift, so nice!!!!! I am looking forward next party already.




我每個星期到學校兩次,雖然到現在日文仍是一竅不通.但我總是很期待上課的日子.畢竟有事做是一件好事.而且從上課中我學到不少有關日本文化或日常的生活的常識.讓我在不太愉快的日本生活裡還有一點希望和信心.我相信我再把日文學好一點,或許我們的日本行會變的愉快些. 感謝那些默默付出的老師們.至少這是少數我們對日本的好印象之一. Although I go to school 2 times a week, but my Japanese still very bad. Even though, I like to go to school. Have something to do is very nice, isn’t it? From school I also learn the Japanese cultures and daily life things. It helps me to overcome the unpleasant things in Japan. It also let me keep hoping that if my Japanese is getting better, our life in Japan may change. Maybe we will have more fun in Japan. Thanks to those teachers who do so many things without asking feedback. At least that is one of the few things that we like in Japan.


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