剛到日本時就有人跟我說姬路城是日本最美的城堡.但是我看過岡山城後我想應該是差不多,所以也就不是很有興趣.這次表妹到日本來找我,因為安排的地方都是在這附近.所以也就理所當然的去看看了. When we first arrived Japan, Japanese colleagues told us we should visit Himiji because it’s very beautiful. After I visit Okayama castle, I thought all of the Japanese castles should be the same. Therefore, I don’t visit Himiji until my cousin visit me.

從倉敷到姬路坐一般電車要兩個小時,中間要換一到兩次車.如果坐新幹線是快多了,只要30~40分吧,但價格也多了不少.下車後我們先到觀光案所拿資料,看看姬路有什麼好玩的.姬路的觀光案所真是不一樣,裝潢的很漂亮.看來很多人來參觀的城市是比較有錢. From Kurashiki to Himiji takes normal train needs around 2 hours. We have to change train one or two times. We can take Shingashan as well. It’s faster but more expensive. After we arrived Himiji, we went to information center first to see how to arrange our trip. The information center is very nice and beautiful. I think in Japan the city has more tourists has more money.

從車站就可以看到姬路城.說真的遠遠看就跟其他的城堡沒啥兩樣.走在往姬路城的路上,沿路寬廣,優靜.感覺舒服極了.越靠近姬路城,越感覺到它的美.走近一看,原來它是世界文化遺產之一.真是有眼不是泰山. From train station to Himiji castle, at first beginning I thoug ht there was nothing special between other castles. On the way to the castle was wide and nice, very comfortable. The more closer I was, the more shocked I had. It’s so great. It’s a World Heritage building. I should know it before!!




姬路城的美有一種說不出的震撼.第一次到岡山城時,只覺得它蛮漂亮的,但是沒有那種說不出的震撼.而且姬路城相當的大.要把它逛完要1.5小時(指標寫的).算算離午飯有段時間,先參觀吧!!!秋天是日本菊花展的季節,在這裡也有菊花展.看看日本人的閒情逸致,把菊花養的真是不同凡響. First time when I saw Okayama castle just though it was nice but in Himeji I could not describe it. This castle is very big, on the guide shows it will take about 1.5 hours to visit it. We checked the time that we should have enough time before lunch. So we decided to look around first. Autumn is the time for chrysanthemum. There was an exhibition for different kind of chrysanthemum. It’s amazing how the Japanese made them.




秋天的日本有很多的紅葉,不一定是楓葉,但是一樣的美麗.沿著指標一路往上走,說真的我很懷疑我們一個半小時可以走完.因為太美了,我們不時停下來照相,不斷的讚嘆.真後悔沒跟我家老公早一點來. Autumn is very nice in Japan. Therefore, on the way to castle, we stopped several times to take pictures that I didn’t think that we could manage the trip in 1.5 hours. I kept thinking that I should take my husband to here earlier.




姬路城(又名白鷺城)始建於1333年,在1596~1615年間算是整體的完成.聽說姬路城是日本保持最完整的城堡,而且是最古老的一個.在1993年申遺成功(日本的首例).姬路城幾乎沒有受到戰爭的摧毀.所以我們看到的應該都是原貌.就算有經過修建,也都幾乎保持了當時的建築樣式. This castle started in 1333 and around 1596 to 1615 finished most parts. This castle became the World Heritage in 1993. It could keep in its original l way because it was not destroyed during the war. Even some of them had reconstructed, we still can see the original style.





當我們走完了全程已經是飢腸轆轆了.掐指一算,我們走了有三個多鐘頭了.由於前一陣子閃到腰實在是走不遠.所以其他地方的參觀也就作罷了.姬路除了城堡以外,還可以參觀的地方也不少.像是好古園是原籓主的別墅區.周邊的書寫山圓教寺是電影”最後的武士”的外景地等等. When we finished, we were very hungry and it took us more than 3 hours instead of 1.5 hours. I was very tired to visit other places, so we just had our lunch and went back to Kurashiki. Next time we can visit Himiji castle Nishioyashikiato garden which is villa of Himiji lord. The Hollywood movie “ The Last Samurai” which Tom Cruise was shot in Shoshazan Engyoji is close to here.


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