幸福是什麼? What is happiness?

幸福是什麼? 幸福是你出國回來時先生到機場接機.
What is happiness? Happiness is when you arrive the airport your husband is waiting for you.

幸福是什麼? 幸福是先生下班回家時你面帶笑容迎接他回家.
What is happiness? Happiness is when your husband arrives home after work, seeing you wait for him with smile.

幸福是什麼? 幸福是先生吃光你煮的飯菜而且稱讚說很好吃.
What is happiness? Happiness is your husband finishes all the dishes and tells you very delicious.

幸福是什麼? 幸福是把家裡打掃乾淨讓先生下班後有個舒服的空間.
What is happiness? Happiness is cleaning the house so when your husband arrives home has a nice comfortable place.

幸福是什麼? 幸福是年紀一把了還可以跟婆婆一起出遊.雖然有時有些摩擦.
What is happiness? Happiness is even you are old, you still have chance to travel with your mother in law. Although sometime have some troubles.

幸福是什麼? 幸福是雖然要負擔父母的費用很辛苦,但他們還件在.可以時不時跟他們聊天.
What is happiness? Happiness is to know your parents still alive that you can talk to them anytime you want. Although it is hard to take care of them.

幸福是什麼? 幸福是雖然朋友久久才見一次面,但我們一直都很關心對方.
What is happiness? Happiness is all the friends are care about each other although we can meet once a while.

這次回來時我家老公出奇不意的到機場接我.讓總是自己進進出出的我感到很幸福.其實讓自己幸福好像沒那麼困難,只要我們把看事情的角度換一下就好了.或許現在的我比較容易滿足吧,一件小小的事就可以讓我感動的不得了. My husband picked me up in the airport when I arrived last Friday. It made me so happy because most of time I travel alone. I think to feel the happiness is not so difficult as we though, just change the point of view may help you feel better. Maybe right now I am getting satisfied much easier than before, so often just a small thing make me so touched.

你呢? 你幸福嗎? 希望大家都幸福. How about you? Are you happy? Wish all the happiness to everybody.


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