在東西方有時會看到相同的情景,但感受卻不太一樣的. Sometime you can see the similar situation between East and West but the feeling is very different.

在中國市場買菜 Market in China

在義大利市場買菜 Market in Italy

在中國騎驢上街通常是較辛苦的農民, In China ride dunky to the city, normally is poor farmer.

通常在歐洲可以騎馬上街的大都是有錢的人, In Europe who can ride a horse to the city, normally is rich people.

在中國這三輪車上路好像....., In China the 3 wheels car on the road looks a little bit........

在義大利三輪車上路好像比較上檔次一點, In Italy the 3 wheels car on the road loods a little bit better

以上純屬我個人看到不同的見解,跟各位分享一下. It's just my own opinion to share with you.

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