目前分類:生活感言 (7)

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Princess45 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

最近下定決心好好學習德文.因為我所在的地方都沒有學校可以學德文,加上聽朋友說網路上有可以學習德文的網站.所以痛定思痛的狠下心來加入網路學習.Recently I finally decide to learn German serious. According to the place I stay has no school for learning German, plus I have heard my friend said that someone she knew has learned German from the internet successfully. So I spend my time and money and start to learn my German from the internet.

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Princess45 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()


Princess45 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

幸福是什麼? What is happiness?

Princess45 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

最近我又得向德國的市政廳交說明書,告訴他們我隨我家老公出國了.不然哪天回德國時,倒楣的話就算有簽證也會進不了家門.這讓我不由的又感傷了起來. Recently I have to send a letter to the town hall where I live in Germany, to let them know that I still travel with my husband. Otherwise, if I have bad luck, it may happen that I cannot enter Germany even I have visa. That makes me suddenly upset again.

Princess45 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

因為各種因素,我有幸在出生地台灣以外的幾個亞洲國家生活.像是中國大陸我住了將近8 年的時間,日本一年,現在在韓國預計要住上兩年.雖然住的時間不是很長,但是基本上我也不算是觀光客.所以有些事的看法可能比較不一樣.或許標題亞洲生活不是很貼切,但實在不知道要怎麼標比較好,所以也就將就寫一個了. Because of several reasons, I have lived in some different countries in Asia. I was born in Taiwan, worked in China around 8 years, Japan for 1 year and now in Korea may stay 2 years. Although the time I stay in each countries were not too long but I was not a tourist, either. Therefore, the way I look at things in each countries may different. I just like to share my experience. Maybe the title is not so correct, but it is hard to find a right one.

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