目前分類:Korea 韓國 (9)

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Finally is the season for making Kimji. We spend one day with our friend in country to make our own Kimji. Let's see how we make it.

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我現在住的城市叫順天,是韓國南部的一個中級城市.雖然不是很熱鬧,但是週邊有不少地方可以參觀.比如麗水是2012年萬博會的場址.光州跟晉州只離這裡一小時路程.順天本身是2013年世界花園博覽會的場址,綠化做的相當不錯.順天灣是有名的溼地,樂安邑城是大長今拍攝的地點.有機會到韓國玩的朋友不妨到此一遊. Suncheon is the city where I stay in Korea. It's in south, although isn't so famous as Seoul or Busan. There are a lot of places you can visit. Such as Yousu will hold the 2012 world exhibition. Gwangju and Jinju just one hour by car from here. Suncheon itself has world garden exhibition in 2013. Suncheon bay is famous wet land and Naganeupseong folk village is the famous Korean drama "Daejanggeum" which took here. If you have a chance to visit Korea, please take time to stop by Suncheon.

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沒到韓國前對韓國一點印象也沒有.所以對韓國的一切除了泡菜外什麼也不知道.趁這次住韓國好好了解韓國的種種.首先當然是四季了. Before we come to Korea, except Kimji I don’t know anything about Korea. This time we may stay around 2 years, so I will take this chance to know how Korea is. First thing to know is the season.

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看到照片不要以為這是在德國.沒錯,房子看起來像極了德式建築,但地點卻是在韓國的南海.When you look at the picture you may think it is in Germany. You are right the house looks like German house but it’s located in Namhae, Korea.

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以前就聽我的韓國朋友說在韓國找房子不容易,尤其是在我們待的這個城市.等我們來到這裡,總算見識到不容易是怎麼一回事. I have heard from Korean friend that to find an apartment in Korea is not a easy job, specially in the city we are stay now. Until we are here, I finally understand what she means.

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在釜山逛街的地方很多.像是南浦洞附近一直到PIFF廣場,還有國際市場.新的商業中心在西面等等.就怕到時你的雙腳不聽使喚,累到不行了. In Busan there are so many places you can shop around. Such as Nampo-dong up to PIFF square, Gukje market and Seomyeon etc. There are too many shops you can shop, in the end just up to your legs, how far it can take.

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趁著連續假期加上美素夫婦到釜山的機會,我跟我家老公決定到釜山一遊. First of March was holiday in Korea and Misoo, Christian were going to Busan as well. We decided to visit Busan.

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還沒到韓國之前,說真的我對韓國除了泡菜外對韓國是一點印象也沒有.所以我是腦子一片空白的跟著我家老公到了韓國,開始我們為期約兩年的韓國生活. Before I come to Korea, to be honest, I do not have any idea about Korea except Kimji. For this trip I just follow my husband and start our life in Korea.

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