看到照片不要以為這是在德國.沒錯,房子看起來像極了德式建築,但地點卻是在韓國的南海.When you look at the picture you may think it is in Germany. You are right the house looks like German house but it’s located in Namhae, Korea.



第一次知道德國村是看到南海地區的旅遊地圖.當初第一個印象是”真能取名字”.第二次聽到德國村是我的朋友告訴我的.她說那裡的房子蓋的跟德國一模一樣,只不過什麼都沒有.第三次聽到德國村是我在巴士上遇到一位好心的大姐,因為我問她巴士是否到順天,然後我們就聊起來了.因為她會說英文,我像是見到老鄉一樣,很是親切.等到我跟她說我家老公是德國人時,她竟用德語跟我聊天.原來她先生也是德國人,她本身現在住在德國村.就這樣,我跟德國村結緣了. First time when I knew about German village was from the Namhae tourist map. The first impression was “ Good name”. Second time was my friend told me. She said the houses look just like in Germany, but there were nothing around. The third time when I heard about German village was one the bus to Suncheon. On the bus I asked one nice lady if it’s the right bus to Suncheon and we started to talk to each other because her English is perfect. When I told her that my husband is German she talked in German to me. Her husband is German, too. She lived in Germany more than 40 years. That is how I start to know this village.

為什麼有這個德國村呢?其實不是為了好玩,這是有歷史典故的.當韓戰結束時韓國相當的窮.這時德國政府伸出援手借錢給韓國.因為德國當時短缺護士跟礦工,所以在60年代有很多韓國人前往德國工作賺錢回家.不過這些人卻也是政府的擔保.如果韓國政府沒有正常付利息的話,德國政府就可以不付這些人的工資. Why called German village? It’s not for fun, it has its history reason. After Korean War, Korea was very poor so German government landed some money to Korea government. In 60’s, Germany was short of nurses and miners, so a lot of people went to Germany as nurses and miners. It looked like they went to Germany earned the money for their families but they also kind of guarantors for Korea government. If Korea government didn’t pay the interest, German government didn’t have to pay the salary to those workers.

隨著時間的流逝,有些住在德國的韓國人也想落葉歸根.韓國政府有感於這些無名人士的默默貢獻,就在南海找一塊地讓這些在海外多年想回家的人可以回到韓國.當然回來的人也是有條件的.比如說要在德國超過20年以上而且當初是護士或是礦工才可以在這裡蓋房.為了吸引這些人回來,首先地價是相當的便宜.另外這裡的公共系統像是排水,電纜等都盡量跟德國一樣. After so many years, some of them like to come back to Korea. Korea government also appreciate what they had done. Therefore, Korea government find a place in Namhae let those people who liked to come back to Korea to stay. To attract the people, the land price is very cheap and the utility system is similar like in Germany. Those people who were nurse or miner and lived in Germany more than 20 years can apply.

因為地價真的很便宜,所以很多在外的韓國人都想回來買地蓋房.聽說現在有很多人在排隊呢!!為了紓解這狀況,韓國政府目前在首爾附近也找了一塊地要蓋另一個德國村. Because the price is so cheap, there are a lot of oversea Korean like to come back. My friend told me right now Korean government arranges another German village close to Seoul.


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