我現在住的城市叫順天,是韓國南部的一個中級城市.雖然不是很熱鬧,但是週邊有不少地方可以參觀.比如麗水是2012年萬博會的場址.光州跟晉州只離這裡一小時路程.順天本身是2013年世界花園博覽會的場址,綠化做的相當不錯.順天灣是有名的溼地,樂安邑城是大長今拍攝的地點.有機會到韓國玩的朋友不妨到此一遊. Suncheon is the city where I stay in Korea. It's in south, although isn't so famous as Seoul or Busan. There are a lot of places you can visit. Such as Yousu will hold the 2012 world exhibition. Gwangju and Jinju just one hour by car from here. Suncheon itself has world garden exhibition in 2013. Suncheon bay is famous wet land and Naganeupseong folk village is the famous Korean drama "Daejanggeum" which took here. If you have a chance to visit Korea, please take time to stop by Suncheon.
- May 26 Wed 2010 10:13
Suncheon, Korea 韓國順天