因為各種因素,我有幸在出生地台灣以外的幾個亞洲國家生活.像是中國大陸我住了將近8 年的時間,日本一年,現在在韓國預計要住上兩年.雖然住的時間不是很長,但是基本上我也不算是觀光客.所以有些事的看法可能比較不一樣.或許標題亞洲生活不是很貼切,但實在不知道要怎麼標比較好,所以也就將就寫一個了. Because of several reasons, I have lived in some different countries in Asia. I was born in Taiwan, worked in China around 8 years, Japan for 1 year and now in Korea may stay 2 years. Although the time I stay in each countries were not too long but I was not a tourist, either. Therefore, the way I look at things in each countries may different. I just like to share my experience. Maybe the title is not so correct, but it is hard to find a right one.

食 Eating:雖然這幾個國家了距離都不是很遠,但在飲食方面卻是變化萬千.相同之處是這幾個國家都吃米飯.當然因為中國大陸幅員廣闊,光大陸本身就有很多不同的飲食文化.沒到日本之前總覺得日本的飲食偏清淡.實際上,日本的食物要比台灣的飲食口味要重,而且比較偏甜而且日本人吃很多油炸的食物.韓國除了相當有名的泡菜外,其實光小菜就多到不行.跟日本比起來,韓國菜反而比較清淡,用油不多.只不過很多辣的食物,有時我覺得韓國菜比川菜還要辣. 此外在韓國的餐廳一般都是坐在地板上的,除非是到高級的餐廳或是西餐廳.另外韓國的餐廳一般分賣牛肉,豬肉,雞肉或是鴨肉還是海鮮.很少有餐廳什麼肉都賣的.在日本則是高級的日本餐廳才是和室做塌塌米,一般的餐廳基本上都是桌椅,方便客人.Although these countries are not too far away but the eating habits are quite different. China is a big country, itself has a lot of different eating cultures. Before I went to Japan I always think that Japanese food is light, but after I lived there, I found I was wrong. Japanese food is heavier than Taiwanese food and they like sweet food. Compare with Japan, Korean food is lighter and has a lot of side dishes beside of Kimji. Japanese food has more deep fried food than Korean or Taiwanese food. Just Korean food is more spicy than other countries. I think some time even more spicy than Sichan food. In Korea, most of restaurants are sitting on the floor, only very good restaurants or western food restaurants are sitting on the chairs. The restaurants just sell one kind of meat such as beef, pork, chick, duck or sea food. Hardly has a restaurant sell 2 or more meat at same time. In Japan, most of the restaurants are sitting on the chair that more convenient for the customers except the very good Japanese restaurants.

吃在中國 Eating in China






吃在日本 Eating in Japan






吃在韓國 Eating in Korea






衣Dress: 在這幾個國家中流行的服飾基本上差不是很多.不過我個人有個發現.在日本,女性的內衣尺寸比較小.大尺寸的只有寮寮幾款.讓我這種在歐洲有自悲感的人,頓時驕傲起來.在韓國內衣專賣店很多.而且很多情侶內衣.這是在中國跟台灣比較少見的.另外在日本逛街我想幾乎是女性的天下.因為男性的服飾店真的很少.台灣,中國跟韓國相對而言,男性服飾店就多很多.在日本二手服飾店很多.這在其他幾個國家是比較少見的.日本的二手服飾店的衣服或是配件相當的豐富,而且價格也相當合理.另外尺寸也多樣化.因此在日本期間我們最常逛的商店是二手服飾店.至於鞋子,我個人偏愛在中國買.因為中國的樣式很多,尺碼齊全而且價格很便宜.因為很久沒在台灣買鞋了,所以不知道現在怎樣.只是像我這樣的大腳婆,以前在台灣是很不好買鞋的.在中國北方我一點也沒問題,在中國南方有時就有點困難.在韓國的話不算太難買,但他們的尺寸有點奇怪.同樣的尺碼有的可以,有的不行.加上真皮的鞋基本上都不便宜,所以到現在沒買到喜歡的鞋.至於日本就別提的.我只要盡了鞋店就被一股塑膠味給熏的頭暈.而且日本的鞋編碼很奇怪,是以大中小來分.當然也有商店是像其他國家的分法,不過那是少數而且都是很貴的鞋店.難怪日本女還走路都"夸,夸,夸”的.挺吵也挺難看的.Basically these countries have similar test. From my personal point of view I found that in Japan the lady under wear size most are small size. There are just a few bigger sizes which make me suddenly so proud because in Europe my size is small and in Japan I become big. In Korea have a lot of under wear shops and most of them sell couple under wear which I have not seen in the other countries. Except Japan the other 3 countries have more shops for men. Sometime you feel that in Japan the shops just for women not for men. Second hand shop in Japan is very popular which have not seen that often in the other countries. The second hand shop in Japan is very nice because there are so many things you can choice and the sizes are more than normal shops. Besides the price is more reasonable, so when we were in Japan, we liked to shop in the second hand shops. I like buying shoes but not in Japan , because the size, price and also most of them are make by plastic. When I went to the shoes shop in Japan I felt so sick because the smell from the plastic. And the sizes are strange, they separate to S,M,L instead of numbers. No wonder that Japanese ladies walk in such strange way because most of the time the shoes are too big for them. Of course there are some shops have number sizes but most of them are very expensive.

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