在釜山逛街的地方很多.像是南浦洞附近一直到PIFF廣場,還有國際市場.新的商業中心在西面等等.就怕到時你的雙腳不聽使喚,累到不行了. In Busan there are so many places you can shop around. Such as Nampo-dong up to PIFF square, Gukje market and Seomyeon etc. There are too many shops you can shop, in the end just up to your legs, how far it can take.

通常逛街的時間不能太早.像我跟我家老公都是早起的鳥兒.我們已經延到11:00才開始逛街,但還是有很多店沒開門.不知道是因為休假日還是要到下午才開.總之,到最後我們從國際市場轉到西面,將近下午兩點多的時候,人才多到不行.In Busan, you’d better don’t go out for shopping too early. We normally woke up early, but this time we had breakfast with our friends, so we went out for shopping around 11:00. Even though, there were a lot of shops still closed. We didn’t know because of holiday or they opened in the afternoon. However, we looked around from Gukje market to Seomyeon, finally around 2:00PM started pack of people.

我們在釜山的時候剛好是農曆正月十五.在韓國也有特別的活動.當天我們到海雲台時,有遊行隊伍穿著傳統服飾吹著音樂遊行.大家都紛紛往海邊走.我們也跟著看熱鬧.原來這天有祈福儀式.先是有歌唱表演及舞蹈.等到天色暗了,就把堆好的木材放火給燒了.除此之外,在海邊還有小吃,海上也有裝飾特殊的船開來開去的.相當有趣. 只是人真的太多了,我們等不到放火燒就先離開了.當我們吃完飯往回走時還可以看到徐徐的煙四處飄著呢!!! When we were in Busan, it was lunar January 15th, it was the last new year day for lunar calendar. In Korea same as Chinese has special events. When we were in Haeundae, people wore traditional Korean clothes and played traditional music paraded. A lot of people went to the beach direction so we also followed. We found out there were a special pray event and before it started, there was dancing and singing show and people could eat on the beach as well. Boats were decorated and drove around the wood which would be burned after got dark. Very interesting!!! Just too many people so we decided to take a walk and had dinner. After dinner, we still can see the smoke around the beach.

當我們用完餐後,四人一起前往韓式桑拿.我們在韓劇常看到韓國人到桑拿洗澡,汗蒸.現在我們也可以親自體驗一下.我們是到釜山最好的桑拿之一”SPA LAND”. 這家桑拿位於海雲台新世界百貨裡,因此它跟其他桑拿不一樣只營業到午夜12點,而不是24小時營業.我們因為晩上八點左右才到,所以門票打折只要9000韓元.一般門票需要14000韓元.進去後,洗澡泡澡跟其他的店沒有太大差別.如要搓澡也有,當然也因為服務不同,收費也有所差別.這家店不同之處是在於汗蒸跟其他服務項目.它的桑拿房有各式各樣的裝飾,不同的溫度.此外還有休息室可以看電視或DVD.不想看電視可以躺在公共區聊天或靜養.肚子餓了或是口渴了可以到小賣區買東西.如果不過癮還可以到餐廳吃飯.想要奢侈一下可以做做按摩或是俢俢指甲.想要從頭到尾改頭換面也沒問題,髮廊等候你的光臨.裡面的消費除了按摩以外,基本上還不算是太離譜.也難怪很多青年男女選在這裡約會.聽說在桑拿裡約會是韓國的特色之一呢!! On Korean drama we often see people meet each other in Sauna so we also liked to try it. We went to one of the best sauna in Busan called “SPA LAND”. It located inside of Shinsegae department that it just opened up to 12:00 midnight. Most of sauna in Korea are open for 24 hours. We arrived quite late so we had discount, we just paid 9000 instead of 14000. Shower room and bath were similar like others, but there were so many sauna rooms which decorated in different ways and from clod (14 °C) to hot (40°C). If you are tired, you can go to rest area watch TV or DVD or just go to public rest area chatting or sleeping. If you are hungry, there are snack bars or restaurant that you can eat any time you like. You can enjoy massage , hair salon or finger nail etc just depend on your wallet. Except the massage, most of items are reasonable price. In Korea, a lot of couples are dating in sauna, it’s one of their culture.

釜山還有很多好玩的地方,但我們時間有限,這次只有先走馬看花逛一下.下次有機會到釜山,再跟大家分享其他地方. This time we just looked around few places. In Busan still have a lot of places can go. I will tell you more when I visit Busan again.

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