Our home in Italy is located in south of Italy which is called "Martina Franca".我們的家座落在義大利南部ㄧ個叫"Martina Franca"的鄉下.

In fact, from our house to "Alberobello" (which is very famous about "Trulli") is same distance to "Martina Franca." Around our area, there are a lot of "Trulli". This kind of house in summer is cool inside and warm in winter. For example, this summer when we were in Italy the temp. some time was up to 49 deg.C but we didn't need electric fan or air conditional, because inside was nice cool. Of course, you have to close the windows and doors to keep the hot or cold air outside.

其實從我家到著名的石屋城市"Alberobello"和"Martina Franca"的距離差不多.我們這一帶的房屋以其特殊的石屋造型著稱.這種房屋其特色是冬暖夏涼.就以今年夏天來說吧,我們在義大利度假時溫度達到49度(山下溫度是52度),但中午我們躲在家裡面不用空調不用電風扇照樣舒服的很.因為我們的房子是用當地很厚的岩石建造,這種延時能保持屋內的溫度.當然了,前提是.....你要關緊窗戶夏天不要讓熱氣進屋,冬天不要讓寒風進來.這樣就保證你可以在屋裡過的舒舒服服的.

Except Trulli, the way they live is the other reasone we bought the house. In south of Italy is similar to Taiwan. There is a lot of sunshine, different kind of fruit and vegetable and of couse the delicious Italin dishes. Mr. Sausage and I have no problem to live in Italy for eating. Not like in Germany, either too cold or rain all the time. You are not allow to hang the clothes outside and so many different rules ..... which I may make a mistake because I often forget.


Besides, every week every town has market. You can buy so many nice things. In summer, there are more activities. In Martina Franca almost every 2 or 3 days has a show. Outdoor movie also every popular in summer. Anyhow, there are a lot of choices.

另外,在這裡每個城市每星期都有個趕集.每個趕集大小不ㄧ但都很有趣.還有,到了夏天每個城市都有不同的活動.比如說"Martina Franca" 以文藝表演著稱.我們在的那三星期,幾乎每兩三天就ㄧ個表演.另外有戶外電影,嘉年華會等等的活動, 多到不行了.

However, we enjoy the time in Italy. If you are interesting in our Trulli, you can contact us.


Trulli 特色石屋
Market 趕集

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