到日本已經有半年多了.由於語言不通造成生活上種種的不便,加上日本人有禮但不友善的態度以及超高的物價,讓我對日本的印象是大打折扣.不過住在日本真的一點好處都沒有吗? 也不盡然.我就我個人的觀點舉幾項事物供大家參考. I am where in Japan more than half year now. At beginning, because of language, we had a lot of troubles. Plus the Japanese are polite but not friendly and living cost is very high that let me have a bad impression about Japan. Is there any advantage live in Japan? To be honest, of course it has. I will tell you something from my point of view.
第一項要說的是環境衛生.我想乾淨是很多人對日本的印象.我剛住在這裡時覺得還可以.今年夏天回歐洲一趟後,覺得整體上日本是乾淨的.當然這跟有罰款有關係.不過日本人的自律性是很高的,所以乾淨的環境是理所當然的.讓我最佩服的一點是,日本的公共廁所都很乾淨.不管是機場,百貨公司,大賣場到一般火車站的公廁,幾乎看不到髒的廁所.而且都不收費.說真的,在歐洲收費廁所都不一定這麼乾淨.這可以排世界第一了. First thing I like to say is clean environment. Most people think that Japan is very clean. At first beginning, I think it was OK. After I came back from Europe to Japan this summer, I think in average Japan is very clean. It’s not only because of the penalty but also Japanese’ self-control. The most respect thing in Japan is clean public toilet. No matter at airport, department store, super market or train station. Almost all of them are clean. And……., all of them are free. In fact, some of the charge toilets in Europe are not as clean as here. I have to say Japan is the NO.1 in all of the world.
另外在日本幾乎沒有公共的垃圾桶.大賣場或超商偶爾有,但很多都是回收的桶子.日本人回收不像德國,把東西分類好就好了.在日本不但分類,還要洗乾淨或是包扎好.而且每月只回收一到兩次.雖然對個人有時有點不便,但對整體環境我想是不錯的. In Japan there is no public trash bin. In super markets and convenience shops have recycle bins but most of them are not for trash. In Germany, you just separate the garbage into the different bin but in Japan are different. First, you have to separate the garbage and then clean them or tie them up as well. In Japan they collect the garbage 2 times a week, for those recycle things, one time a month but paper, glasses, material or others are at different times. It is not so convenient for us but I think it is good for the environment.
第二項我覺得不錯的是這裡的大賣場跟便利商店.這裡的大賣場有很多是24小時的.加上24小時方便的好鄰居—便利超商.對有工作狂的日本上班族是很方便的一件事.便利超商不但可以買東西以外,繳費,提款,寄件等等都有.這對台灣人或許不稀奇,但在歐洲人眼裡可是很方便喔!!!當然他們也覺得有點不可思議,有必要嗎? 現在在德國有的超市開到10:00PM他們就覺得不是很必要了,更何況24小時. Second nice thing is super markets and convenience shops. A lot of super markets open for 24 hours, plus 24 hours convenience shops, which are very nice for those Japanese workaholics. In convenience shops, you are not just buying food, daily things but also pay the telephone fee, ATM machine and send packages and so on. Perhaps it is not surprise Taiwanese but for European is very incredible. They even think --- is it necessary? Right now in Germany some of the super markets open till 10:00 PM that some of the people even think it is not necessary. 24 hours???? No way!!!!
另外在日本的大賣場買的食品幾乎都可以很放心的食用.他們的食品安全衛生做的很好.以夏天的西瓜為例吧,通常我是不買切開的西瓜,怕不是很新鮮.但在日本,一來是很貴二來是賣場的新鮮度和甜度保證.我甚至敢買晚上打折的西瓜.我想這就是我們付超高物價的好處吧. The other things are the foods quality. I think that is why we pay the high price. For example, I normal buy whole water melon because I think those cut one are not fresh. In Japan, I buy the cut one in the evening when it has discount as well. Not only the price but also I still can trust the quality. In Japan if it writes how sweet it will be, it is!!!!
第三項是這裡的圖書館.在中國8年的時間我從沒到過圖書館.除了大城市以外,幾乎沒有圖書館.在這裡,像我這樣的外國人只要有登錄證,也可以像一般民眾一樣去圖書館借書.而且倉敷的所有分館都可以借.我甚至可以A館借B館還呢!因為都有連線.雖然外文書不是很多,但食譜書多到我看不完,我也就很心滿意足了. The third thing I like in Japan is the library. I was in China around 8 years and never been to any library. I think in China only big cities have libraries. In Japan, a foreigner like me if get resident card can go to any library just like a Japanese citizen. In Kurashiki I can go to any branch and I even can rent the books from A branch and return to B branch. Although there are not so many English books, but there are a lot of cooking books. I like it very much!!!
第四項是排隊.在日本很多地方都需要排隊.而且日本人很喜歡排隊.對於沒人排隊的店還不喜歡去.因為排隊所以很方便.不像在中國,常常有人插隊.以前住中國的時候還常常糾正別人,也時還跟那些沒長進的人有衝突,害的朋友都提心吊膽的.在日本一點問題都沒有.當然偶爾也有白目的人不小心插對,但也是少之又少了. The fourth thing is line up. In Japan a lot of places you have to queue and I think Japanese likes to queue as well. If the shop has nobody queue, they even don’t like to go to the shop. It’s good for me. In China happened so many times that because they didn’t queue so I had to correct them and sometime even had quarrel that made my friends so worry. In Japanese I don’t have this problem, even sometime someone doesn’t line up, others will correct him or her, but it almost 0%.
最後呢,我想是新幹線吧!日本的新幹線雖然很貴,但班次之多,速度之快,也真是讓人無法挑剔的.另外他們有分自由席跟指定席,也就給想省點錢的人或是時間要有彈性的人很大的方便.這點是其他國家比較少見的吧! The last thing is the famous train—Shingashan. Although it is very expensive, but there are so many trains, almost every 5 minutes has one train. And the speed is very fast that save you a lot of time. Besides, there are reserved seats and non-reserved seats that make the customers more flexible. I think in the other countries don’t have such flexible schedule.
總之,我現在住在日本,雖然不是很喜歡但也得往好處想.畢竟不是有很多人有這樣的機會.很多人聽到我住日本都羨慕的很.這還包括了很多歐洲朋友呢!!所以看來我要好好把握這機會,享受我日本的生活了. However, I still don’t like to live in Japan so much but I have to be positive. All the people I know are envy me that I have the chance to live in Japan even European. So, I think I’d better take this chance and enjoy my life in Japan.
- Oct 02 Fri 2009 19:06
住日本的好處 The advantage of living in Japan