這次假期特別安排在七月底的原因之一是為了參加同事的婚禮.一般而言,不是好朋友在歐洲是不會被邀請參加的.所以我們說什麼也要想辦法參加. This year we arranged our holiday in end of July, one of the reason was going to colleague’s wedding in Czech. Normally, if you are not a good friend you won’t be invited for the wedding. Therefore, we tried our best to go to the wedding.

雖然我家老公是德國人,但我們都是第一次參加捷克的婚禮.所以也不是很了解當地的儀式和種種注意事項.Martin (新郎)告訴我們第二天早上10點到他的新家,大家集合候,把新車裝扮一下再一起去婚宴的地方.第二天早上,他安排車來接我們到他家前,先讓司機戴我們到他們的小鎮逛了一下.很漂亮的小鎮,真是可惜我們沒有時間好好的逛逛. Although my husband is German, both of us are never having a chance to attend a Czech wedding. None of us know what will be and what we should do. Martin just told us on the wedding day 10:00 in the morning be his new home. After everybody arrive, decorate the car and then we will go to the party place. So, next day, a taxi picked us up, before we arrived his home, the driver showed us around the town. It’s a nice town just pity that we didn’t have time to look around.



到了他的新家,只見他還是穿著簡便的衣服,一點也不像新郎.原來他在等新娘給他燙襯衫.真是奇怪喔!!在其他的地方結婚當天可是新娘最大喔!新娘來後果真拿著熨斗燙起襯衫,這個真的很新鮮.另外跟其他地方不一樣的是新郎不到新娘家迎娶,而是各自到兩人的新家集合再去教堂或是舉辦儀式的地方.還有,新人不坐同一輛禮車,而是分開坐.新郎在前,新娘車最後.聽說種種規矩都是為了好運,有意思喔. When we arrived his home, he still wore T-shirt, didn’t look like a bridegroom. The reason was he waited for the bride to iron his shirt. Very strange!!! In the other countries as I know, the bride doesn’t have to anything on her wedding day at all. Just be a “Queen”. Anyhow, when Simona( bride) arrived, she took the iron machine and ironed the shirt for him. The other different thing was they came to their new home instead of the bridegroom went to bride’s parents home to pick her up. Also, they didn’t take the same car to go to the church or the place for the wedding. The bridegroom took the car in front and the bride took the car in the end which was decorated. All these things were for luck. Very interesting…., that’s the culture difference.







因為新郎新娘為了大家的方便,所以就把婚禮的儀式跟婚宴的地方放一起.免的大家跑來跑去.接下來的就跟一般歐洲的婚禮大致一樣.有歌手唱歌,大家吃吃喝喝,聊天,跳舞玩遊戲等等.一直到精疲力盡後,才各自解散. For everyone’s convenience, they had the wedding and party together so we didn’t have to run around the town. For the rest just like the other European party, there had singers for the music and everybody enjoyed eating, drinking, dancing and chatting until midnight that everybody was exhausted.





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