Most of people come to Japan either for traveling, studying, working or married a Japanese. Somebody like me follow husband to come to here, I think won’t be too much.大多數的人到日本要不就是觀光,留學或是工作,要不就是跟日本人結婚.像我這樣拖油瓶似的跟著丈夫到這裡的好樣不是很多.
Before I came to Japan, I was so look forward it. I was in China almost 8 years and I had enough of those uncivilized behavior, such as spitting or not follow the traffic light. 在我到日本以前,我在中國住了將近8年.因為受夠了在中國隨地吐痰或是不遵守交通規則等不文明的行為.對於到日本,我是充滿著期待.
After around 5 months in Japan, I have to say that I am quite disappointed about Japan. Why????? It is clean as usual but not so clean as I think. People follow the rules but not because they are civilize. People are polite as everybody knows in all of the world but in fact they are unfriendly. 經過五個月的體驗,我目前的結論是挺失望的.為什麼呢? 乾淨是乾淨,但不是想像中那麼的乾淨.守規矩是守規矩,但不是因為文明人而是因為重罰.雖然表面有禮,就如全世界眾所皆知.但實際上是相當不友善.
In Japan I often can see the signs to warn people don’t through the waste on the streets or mountains. I saw those signs in China very often because in China, but in Japan also….., I am surprise. In Japan I see so many people cross the red trafic light that I hardly see in other countries. In Japan I see so many people ride bicycles and talk on the phone or read messages which cause a lot of accidents and some people died. In Japan I see so many people are talking on the phone and driving at the same time which in other countries are prohibited long time ago . It happened so many times that because they could not speak English that rejected to offer us some service. 在日本我經常看到路邊的警語要求不要亂丟垃圾.我以為在中國有很多警語是因為在中國.在日本也有……,但我還是看到有人亂丟.在日本我看到很多人闖紅燈是我在很多文明國家看不到的.在日本我看到很多騎腳踏車的人邊騎邊講手機或看手機.因為這樣日本有相當多的腳踏車事故而死人的.在日本我看到很多人邊開車邊講電話,這是很多國家已經禁止很多年的行為了.在日本我已經發生多次因為不會說日文而他們不會說英文而拒絕提供服務的情況.
This was in Hiroshima, in front of peace park. 這是在廣島的和平公園前的警語.
Illegal parking is very often. 違規停車很常見.
If I just come to Japan for traveling or short stay. I totally agree that Japan is attractive. But for living here in Japan, I really have to reconsider about if I would like to stay here again. 如果是到日本旅遊或短時間拜訪,我完全同意日本是一個相當有特色的國家.但是住在日本……..,我想我得重新考慮一下了.
It is what happen to us so far and I hope that rest of time in Japan I can get some good impression . 這是我到目前的經驗.希望剩下的時間裡,我有些愉快的經驗,讓我的日本行至少有一些好的回憶.
- Jul 05 Sun 2009 20:47
My Japan experience 我的日本經驗