前兩天跟我家老公上四國的坂出辦事.由於在坂出有另一個工程,所以我們就順道去拜訪同事.因為隔天我們要跟鄰居去山口縣看楓葉.出門前就跟我家老公說好不要太晩回家.我們為省錢,所以把車停在兒島做便宜有快的電車往坂出出發. Last weekend we went to Sakaide. Because there is other project in Sakaide from my husband’s company. We went to visit colleagues as well. Next day was the Sunday we were going with our neighbor to Yamaguchi for the red leaves. We decided wouldn’t come home too last and took train to save the money.

我們在宇多津下車後,先看好時刻表.算好大約做九點四十五的電車回兒島.不過人算真是不如天算.當我家老公見到老友,相談甚歡的情況下.眼看九點多的來不及了,想想還有十點多的.時間一點一滴的過去了.十點多的電車又錯過了.這下我不得不提醒我家老公.怎奈幾杯伏特加下肚後,我家老公的屁股像是強力膠粘住一般,一動也不動.唉……,最後一班車也趕不上了.當晚只好住在坂出,準備一大早趕回家. When we got off the train in Utatsu. We checked the time table first. We would like to take 9:45PM train back to Kojima. As usual, doesn’t matter how you plan, there are always something that you have to change your plan……..My husband had a good time with colleagues, time was passing slowly, slowly. I saw that we missed the train at 9:45PM…., again……, missed the one at 10:45……, when I reminded him it’s time to go, there was kind of strong glue on his bottom that he stuck on the chair didn’t move at all. Of course , after few cups of Vodka……. Finally we missed the last chance so we had to stay overnight in Utatsu.

清晨四點半起床後,匆匆趕到車站一看.天啊……,沒有火車.最早的火車是六點的.我們跟鄰居約好的時間是六點十五分.沒辦法,只好搭計程車回去取車了.走在大馬路一輛車了影子也沒有,只好到便利商店問電話請店員代打電話.好不容易等到車來匆匆上車.立馬請司機快快上路.當我告訴司機去兒島車站時,司機像是見到鬼似的. On Sunday early morning 4:30, we were on the way back to Kokjima. When we arrived train station, we found out there was no train till 6:00AM. We had to meet our neighbor on 6:15. There was no way except taxi…….What could we do, we rushed to the street but there was no car at all. Finally in the convenient store we asked for help and got a taxi. As soon as we jumped into the taxi, we told the driver we would like to go to Kojima station, the driver was so shocked just like he saw a ghost.

“兒島是要過那個桥的兒島嗎?” "是的””你確定?””是的””要很多錢ㄟ,你有錢嗎” “你收信用卡嗎””只收現金” .換我們見到鬼寺的,不會吧,在倉敷沒有一輛車不收卡,為什麼……….?????”要多少錢?” “不知道,但要很多錢,你們有錢嗎?” 我心裡想,我們真的看起來很窮嗎? 因為身上現金不多,所以乾脆不要取車先回家再說.當我們告訴司機不去兒島直接到倉敷,他像是被電擊到一樣,有點神經錯亂了,不斷的問我們有沒有錢,直說要過桥.說真的要不是感時間又沒有別的車,真想下車.最後我跟司機說我們感時間,錢在家裡,他看我有點生氣了,不得不開車.一路不斷的問我有沒有錢,到了高速路口又問一次,看他幾乎要趕我們下車的樣子.我只好再度語帶威脅的告訴他我們沒時間了,要他快一點開車. “ Kojima has to cross the bridge, hasn’t it?” “ Yes!!!”” Are you sure?”” Yes!!” “ It costs a lot of money. Do you have money?” “ Don’t you accept credit card?” “ No, only cash.” Now it’s our turn to get shock. In Kurashiki all the taxies accept card……..!!!!!!!” How much it will be?” “ I don’t know, but it costs a lot. Do you have money?” Do we look so poor????Why the driver keeps asking us????However, there was no time, so we decided went home directly and picked up the car later. When we told the driver our new decision, he was totally mad. He kept asking us “ Do you have money?” “We have to cross the bridge.” “ Kojima, Kurashiki, I don’t know the way that well…., do you have money?” .If I had time, I would like to change taxi but we had no choice. I told driver that we didn’t have too much time, we had money at home and we were driving home, so please just drove. He saw that I was angry so he had to drive but on the way he kept asking and asking and asking ….. if we had money. Even before the toll gate, he stopped again and asked, I almost shouted to him that we didn’t have time, we had a date.

沿路他不斷的喃喃自語,說真的我很害怕又有點生氣.不過想到我們為了省錢坐電車去,現在反而是偷雞不著蝕把米的花了更多的錢回家,還不知道到不到得了家.真是又好氣又好笑.好不容易到了兒島,司機的神經又有問題的.有開始問東問西的.付過桥費時還要跟我們要回程的錢.氣的我說等一下一定給他.沿路他一直問,還有多遠,真不是他怕我們或是我們怕他.總算在六點以前回到了我家.匆匆的付完錢後.結束了我們日本的搭車驚魂記. All the way he kept talking to himself. To be honest that I was so afraid and angry. In the other hand I felt that we were stupid. For saving the money we parked the car in Kojima and took the train but in the end we spent much more money that we even didn’t know if we could arrive home or not. Finally arrived Kojima the driver had problem again. When we had to pay toll fee, he asked for the money and return fee as well. It’s my turn to get mad. I think he was so afraid that we would not pay him, finally he was quiet but still kept asking how far it would be and so on. In the end, we arrived home just before 6:00 that we had some time to clean up and prepare something for the next trip. We gave him the money he asked and we both were happy. Finally the terrible experience had good ending.

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