經歷了搭車驚魂後,匆匆與我家鄰居會合,前往巴士搭乘地-----倉敷車站.沿路我跟我家老公昏昏沉沉的睡到廣島縣跟山口縣的交界後,總算清醒了. After the terrible experience of taking taxi, finally we met our neighbor and went to Kurashiki train station to wait for the bus. On the way, my husband and I were so tired that we slept almost all the way till we reached the boundary between Yamaguchi and Hiroshima.

我們在津和野停留吃午餐.津和野有小京都之稱.當天在這裡有神社的祭典.只可惜不在我們的行程裡.只好眼睜睜的看著別人遊街去.更何況從津和野到長門峽還要開將近一小時的路程呢!!津和野的名產是芥茉.我總算知道芥茉長啥樣子還有長在哪裡.在這裡還可以吃到芥茉冰淇淋.當天有點冷,不然真想嚐嚐是什麼滋味.We stopped at Tsuwano for lunch. Tsuwano is called “ Small Kyoto”. At that day they had special events but we couldn’t stop because from Tsuwano to Nagoto Gorge still needed around 1 hour. In Tsuwano we learned that Japanese famous “Wasabi” grew near the river and how it looked like. Here is so famous for the Wasabi that even has “ Wasabi Ice Cream”. It was cold so I didn’t try.




長門峽看來是挺有名的.因為我們到登山口時已經人山人海.兩個登山口之間有5.5公里的健行歨道.我們先搭另一輛巴士到山上,逆向往我們的巴士方向進行.沿路風景真的很美.我無法形容,就請大家看照片吧.因為風景真的很美,5.5公里一下子就走完了.一點也不累.也讓我們把前一天的受驚經驗忘了不少.日本的秋天我喜歡!!!! I think here is very famous, because when we arrived, there were so many cars. Between two entrances, it’s about 5.5 KM to climb. It’s not too difficult and it’s very beautiful. I don’t know how to describe, please see those pictures. After this trip we almost forgot the bad experience one day earlier and we didn’t feel tired at all. I really like autumn in Japan.

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