可能我從小就是遷移的命吧!從小到大搬家的次數多到自己也記不清了.現在跟我家老公嫁雞隨雞,更是每一,兩年就要搬一次家.想到打包我就一個頭兩個大. Since I was young, I often moved from one place to the others with my family that I even could not remember how many times I had moved. After I married, because my husband’s work, every one or two year have to move to a new place. Right now whenever I think about packing, I have headache.
有搬家經驗的人都知道,搬家真的是一件苦差事.先要想好有多少東西要打包,要如何打包.然後就是要找打包的箱子跟工具等等.很多東西是每天都要用的東西,所以要先學會取捨.哪些可以先不用就先打包. If you have experience for moving a house, you should know it is not a easy job. First you have to think how many think you want to pack and how to pack. And then ,you have to look for the right boxes and tools and so on. So many things at home seem necessary for every day. How to make a choice is very important that you can start to pack.
漸漸的家裡的東西越來越少,箱子越來越多.生活上就多少有些不方便.但離搬家越來越近有就將就點.在台灣搬家,通常是找搬家公司幫忙.所以打包期間就要先找好哪家公司,談好價錢.不過通常到最後總是超出預算. Step by step the things at home are less and less and the boxes are more and more. The daily life become not so convenient. In Taiwan, we usually look for a moving company for help. Therefore, during the packing time, you should find a right one to discuss about the price and detail things. Normally in the end you pay more than expected.
到了搬家當天雖然是有搬家工人,但總是要看前顧後的.搬家工人通常很討厭我家.因為我家書很多.大家都知道書是最重的又麻煩.不像床或是電器用品.重歸重但一下子就處理完了.書跑到累死了還有一堆.如果加上住家沒有電梯的話,簡直是痛不欲生.所以以前我們搬完家總是要再加錢給工人們,不然他們就超不爽的. When the big day comes, there are several workers to help you. Even though, we still have to watch them and running around for checking. I think workers do not like our family because we have too many books. Books are heavy and have to run so many times. It is much more work than the furniture or electric equipments. Those big things are heavy but just few times to move. If there is not elevator, the moving company even do not want to take the business. Therefore, we normally have to pay much more to the workers. Otherwise, we may have trouble in the end.
以前在台灣搬家再累也是一天的事.現在搬家更是麻煩,是跨國搬家.之前我們在中國上班的時候,寄不了的東西還可以給我家人或朋友.剩下的寄郵局或是請熟識的船務公司處理所以算是問題不大.只是當初從中國到日本時要把我心愛的腳踏車寄來時問題可不少.不過還是寄到了我的住所.在日本搬家就不比中國方便了.首先我們要先打聽哪家公司有處理海外搬家的經驗還要會說英文的.因為家裡沒電話,沒電話簿.還好學校裡的老師很熱心的幫忙,問到了兩家公司給我打聽. When I was in Taiwan, it was domestic moving, so it took just one or two days and much easier. Right now is oversea moving, it has more trouble. When we were in China, we could give up those things which we could not send to my family or our friends and for the rest which we could send, sent by post or the forwarder company that knew. So it was not so difficult. Just when I wanted to send my bicycle from China to Japan, I had to ask several ways to find out how to send it. Anyway, in the end I got it. Right now in Japan is not so convenient as China. Only to find a shipping company is so difficult already. Because we need a company who has experience and can speak English. Good I got the help from my Japanese school, finally I got two companies to ask.
接下來我就要跟他們交涉事宜.因為我們當初想把我們的重禨一起寄到韓國,經過多方打聽不是那麼的容易,只好放棄.以前總聽說某某人從國外回來帶車帶回國,我們想應該不難.但真的事情到我們身上可就困難重重.最主要是還沒人可以跟我們說最真實的版本.聽說的事真的不准. At first beginning, we would like to send our motorbike to Korea as well. After we asked several places, we found out it was not so easy and cost a lot of money. So we had to give up. We always heard that someone took their own cars or motorbike back somewhere with them so we though it should be not so difficult, but when it happened to us……,totally different. Therefore, never believe what we have heard, just trust what you have done.
接下來就是跟船務公司交涉事宜.以前說的是中文,所以問題不大.雖然搬家很累但勞力多於勞心.這次搬家可就不一樣了.勞心又勞力.語言不通是很大了問題.雖然跟我交涉的人會說英文,不過日本人的發音是眾人所知的.難聽到不行.有很多地方我要日文加英文加猜猜看.最後總算達成協議,先是來看有多少東西,包裝可不可以.然後約定確定的取貨日.因為我們又是臨時調派的,所以很多資料都是要隨後補上的.像是簽證還有出發日期等等.真是有夠傷腦筋. In China we spoke same language so there was not so much trouble. Just a lot of things had to pack made me tired. This time was different. Try to understand each other with shipping company is a big problem. Although the lady from shipping company can speak English, there are still a lot of misunderstanding. However, we make the deal when they will come for inspection and what kind of information they need.
我這樣千辛萬苦的將東西打包好後,檢查的人員來很客氣的說不太理想.建議我們重新打包.他們會有專業人員為我們服務.說真的打包真的是累到不行的事,所以要重新打包我真的是一百個不願意.不過既然他們會有人幫忙我只好將就點了.到了取貨當天,來了四位專業人員即一堆箱子跟泡棉等等.光是行頭真是有夠專業.接下來他們將我打好包的箱子又一一取出重新包裝再小心的分類裝箱.老實說是比我們專業不少.不過呢,也多出了不少箱子.我原先預計是15~18個箱子含腳踏車.不過最後的結果是25個箱子加上腳踏車.整整多出了10個箱子.這下預算又不一樣了.不僅如此,裝箱清單上我只是簡單寫了總稱,如衣服,廚房用品等等.他們寫的清清楚楚.連內衣內褲都寫上幾件.真是讓我想找個洞鑽進去.還好沒把我們的尺寸給寫上,不然立刻吐血.但是說真的搬家搬到最後只想趕快結束.錢再也不是那麼的計較了. It took me almost 1 week to pack our things but when the inspector came, she said it was not so good and recommended that we repack it. Of course they will help us. I think if there is someone helps me, why not. If they ask me to do it by myself I will not accept but someone does it for me is fine. When they came to pick up the boxes, there were 4 professional workers with a lot of new boxes and equipments. Just saw those things I knew they were very profession. So, they unpacked my boxes and separated all the things and repacked them again. To be honest, they were good but in the end it mean cost more. I expected around 15~18 boxes but end up 25 boxes. I just wrote clothes and simple titles on the packing list. In the end they wrote everything even underwear. Good that they did not write the size. To be honest, I just want to finish everything as soon as possible in the end.
現在事情暫到一個段落.何時寄到韓國,取貨時會不會有問題等等就又是後話了.看來,將來隨著我的國際搬家經驗越來越豐富,我也可以駕輕就熟的處理各種不同的問題了.不過呢,我還是先求菩薩保佑,東西寄達一切問題也沒有才好. Right now all the things in Japan are over just wait for the shipping date. I do not know if we have any trouble when we are in Korea. After several times moving, I have more experiences, I think I should have less trouble. Anyhow, I still have to pray for this trip has no trouble is most important thing.
- Feb 08 Mon 2010 13:36
Moving 搬家