
Because my husband’s work always has to move from one place to the other, so almost every year we celebrate our New Year in different places. This year we celebrate in Japan. 因為我家老公工作的緣故,我們幾乎每年都在不同的地方過新年.今年我們是在日本慶祝的.

In Japan, New Year is very important for Japanese. Most of people have long holiday and it’s also the time in Japan that people get other bonus (the other time is in summer). At the shops, always pack of people. My husband finally has long holiday, we decide to go to Tokyo to celebrate the New Year Eve. 在日本新年是相當重要的日子.幾乎每個公司都放長假.而且也是到了領年終獎的時候(夏天還有一次獎金).每個商店都擠滿了購物的人潮.我們因為我家老公總算有長假了,所以我們決定到東京過除夕.

At beginning, we think that big city won’t be too many people because a lot of people go back to their home town. We were wrong. In Tokyo, not only the people who live there but also a lot of people like us as tourist. In the New Year Eve afternoon we went to Shibuya, there were pack of people from all of the world. Shopping, sightseeing and so on. In the evening, we went to Asakusa to visit the famous temple. When we arrived, again, so many people……, there were a lot of polices as well. 起初我們總以為大都市在過年不會有太多人.但我們錯了.在東京除了住在當地以及沒回老家過年的人外,還有很多像我們這樣的觀光客.除夕下午我們先到渋谷附近逛逛,到處是人山人海.逛街的,觀光的,各式各樣的人都擠在一起.晚上,我們到淺草著名的雷門,同樣是擠到不行,而且還有好多警察呢!




In Japan, New Year Eve go to temple for praying is very important tradition. The temple bell will be hit 108 times at midnight which just as human being has 108 wishes. So, 108 times hit the wishes will be gone. Next day, when the New Year start, Japanese go to Shinja to make wish for good year. So, the wishes come back again. It’s very interesting, isn’t it? As Japanese talk about themselves, Japanese is very flexible in certain way.聽說在日本,除夕夜大家都到廟裡拜拜是很重要的傳統.除夕夜廟裡的鐘會敲108下.那是因為傳說每個人有108個慾望.每敲一下就消除一個慾望.108下敲完就沒慾望了.到了新年,人們再到神社去祈福,希望神社的神能保佑未來的一年順利平安,心想事成.這樣慾望又回來了.難怪日本人自己說他們是很有彈性的民族.





Next day when I saw the TV, in Shibuya even more people celebrated the New Year Eve but mainly young people. In Shibuya almost out of control that people drank and drunk, sang, danced. There were more polices to stand by to avoid troubles. Good we didn’t go there. In New Year Eve, the sub way service was all day long. It’s very nice so we didn’t have to worry about the time . 第二天我在電視上看到在渋谷的除夕更是火到不 行.幾乎都是年輕人.喝酒,唱歌,跳舞,飆車到幾乎失控的狀態.那裡的警察更多.還好我們沒選到那裡過除夕. 除夕夜的地鐵是24小時服務的.所以我們不用擔心回去的時間.這點真是不錯.

This New Year Eve was our 5th wedding anniversary as well. In Asakusa we went to a cartoon painting shop had our cartoon drawing as an anniversary gift and look forward a good New Year. 今年的除夕也是我們結婚五週年紀念日.我們在淺草的一家漫畫畫像店畫了我們的畫像做紀念.也期待新的一年一切順利平安.



During the New Year, there is other interesting but strange thing for us. All the shops start to sell lucky bags. Some of the lucky bags you may know what’s in side but a lot of them you don’t know. You cannot believe that people line up to buy something that they even don’t know. The shop staffs are shouting and the customers are waiting. Some of the people even buy so many that even cannot carry them. It’s a very new experience for us. From TV I have learned that after bought the lucky bags, a lot of people went to certain places for exchange the goods. 新年期間在日本還有一件新鮮事.就是福袋.幾乎所有的商店都銷售福袋.有的福袋展示袋內物品,但大多數的福袋是不知道裡面有什麼東西.但在日本大家都搶著買福袋.甚至大排長龍.店員們互相較勁高喊,客人們四處尋找自己心愛的福袋,耐心排隊.這種景象對我們真是新鮮到不行.在電視上我看到有些人甚至買了一堆福袋到自己都提不動.在買完福袋後,很多人到特定的地方互相交換不適合的產品.真不知為何要如此傷神又傷財.



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