在唐海已經有三個月的時間了.在這三個月的時間了, 我經歷了不少前所未見的中國經驗.有些是還真是不解啊!!! In Tanghai almost 3 months now. In these time, I had so many experiences which I have never ever had in China, sometimes it is hard to understand!!!!

首先,介紹唐海三寶...."蚊子,蒼蠅和小咬".什麼是小咬? 就是比蚊子小一號的蚊子,毒到不行的毒.咬一口馬上紅腫. Fist I will introduce the special list in Tanghai....." Mosquito, Fly and Small bite". What is small bite? It is a small samll samll mosquito, when you are bited by this small devil, your skin will swollen right away.

接下來呢,跟你們分享我在此辦一些日常事務的奇怪現象. Right now I will share those strange things which I have to do regularly.

銀行 .......我們是第一個在此開戶的外國人吧.雖然他們有這項業務,但由於是第一個,ㄧ個推ㄧ個沒有人願意替我們辦開戶.這是我在其他城市所沒有過的現象.後來通過向上級主管投訴,花了將近兩小時的時間,總算給我們辦下來了.過幾天我們去銀行領錢時,櫃檯服務人員左看右看我們的存摺,又看我們的護照,最後跟我說ㄧ句, "沒有中文名字不能領錢".我差一點沒有當眾暈過去.我跟他說外國人哪有中文名字? 我能開戶我就能提錢,最後僵持了將近一小時總算領到我們存在銀行的錢.至於我自己的帳戶呢? ㄧ直要我寫簡體字.我會看簡體字,但是拼音跟寫簡體字簡直是要命.又是一陣僵持,最後櫃檯人員不得已只好幫我寫,又是一個鐘頭過去了.還有......我自認我中文說的字正腔圓的且聲音宏亮,但在此不行.好幾次在銀行辦事,我得要有人翻譯外加傳聲筒.這是我在中國生活這幾年中罕見的現象.

Bank .... We are the first foreigners here in Tanghai. Although the bank can accept us to have an account, but they are afraid to do. Therefore, there is no one wants to take the responsibility,which is never happen before in the other city. In the end, we complain to the manager and spend almost 2 hours, finally we have our account in the bank. Few days later, we want to get some money, the counter check outr account book up side down, also the passport, and then tell me without Chinese name, we cannot withdraw the money. OH MY GOD......, so I tell them, how come foreigner has Chinese name? We can open our account here for sure we can collect our own money. Finally, one hour later, we get our money. For myself, even I am a Chinese, I cannot write simple Chinese because in Taiwan we write traditional Chinese, but in the bank they insist I have to write in simple Chinese. In the end, the counter has to write for me and another hour pass by. Not only writing but also speaking. I think my Chinese is good but not in here, several times I need somebody translate for me and my voice is not loud enough, which hard to believe but it happens here.


There are more coming up, please wait...........

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