Finish the work in China, we fly to Japan directly. I think my husband loves his work very much. No holiday in between.


First two days, we stay in Tokyo, at the very expensive area----Ginza. I don't have any idea how expensive it will be, until we go for dinner. A small coke cost around RMB 35. The glass isn't a big one. Good that dinner we don't have to pay.......

In fact, those days we stay in Tokyo we almost don't have to pay anything, otherwise I don't know what will money left???????


After we arrive Kurashiki, we think it's a small town, the price should be more reasonable. We are wrong, it may a little bit cheaper but still expensive. As a housewife, I check all the supermarket ( there is no normal market in Japan), 1 tomato costs 98 Yun ( around EURO 0.8 ).Milk for 1000ml costs around 158 Yun....., and so on and so on. It is hard to image how those Japanese survive, they must be rich!!!! So, my first Japanese word is ......" TA.KA.I" ( expensive)

當我們到了倉敷的水島,就是我們要住的地方,我們想生活水平應該正常點了吧!!錯了......一樣貴啊!!!!!!!一個西紅柿要人民幣8元,鮮奶要15元,比德國還貴.其他的生活品像麵包,肉等等沒有一樣便宜的.想要自己煮,材料也貴.真不知這些日本人如何過日子,他們一定很有錢...... .我的第一句日語學的就是" TA.KA.I" (貴˙.....)

Tomorrow we will move to new house, we will see how it goes.


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