Since we arrive Japan, we look for a normal market, finally we find one. 自從我們到日本後,四處打聽哪裡有菜市場.上週日總算是找到了.

Normal market is not so common in Japan now. Normally people go to supermarket to buy everything, because the safty control. Therefore, find a normal market seems very strange for them. 現在在日本一般家庭都到超市去買菜,傳統的菜市場在日本幾乎是少見.因此,當我們問哪裡有傳統市場時,他們都很奇怪為什麼我們喜歡去那種地方.

After we search for severl information data, we find a market in Kurashiki on every 3rd Sunday. It is nice and we enjoy it very much!!!!

Every 3rd Sunday market.JPG

In this market, we find some cheap vegetable and a lot of people. I think not only us like normal market. 在市場裡有便宜的蔬菜而且人山人海,看來不止我們喜歡傳統的市場.

Market in Kurashiki (every 3rd Sunday).JPG

Buying cheap vegetable.JPG

We also can buy something to eat. 還有小吃喔!!!!German carry pomos mile.JPG

look at sausage shop.JPG

I am sure there are more market around. We will find out when we have more time!!!! 我相信類似的市場一定還有.等我們有空要再接再厲的去找!!!!


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