阿爾貝羅貝洛是位於義大利南部普利亞大區巴里省的一個小城.於1996年列為世界文化遺產.Alberobello is a small town which located in south Italy, Puglia (or Apulia) region, Bari. In 1996 became world heritage place.

阿爾貝羅貝洛之所以有名是因為它的圓頂石屋.單一個圓頂石屋稱之楚洛,兩個以上則稱為楚利.這種建築是一種石灰石住所.聽說這種建築是史前建築技術中無灰泥建築技術的典型代表.由石灰石板撐起的金字塔形,圓錐形或是球形的屋頂是這裡的特色. 現在這樣的房子在當地已受保護.所以想要改建或是加建,都要經過嚴格的審批.The reason that Alberobello is so famous because of the Trulli. In fact, single roof call Trullo and more than one call Trulli. It made of roughly worked limestone which collected from the neighboring fields. This kind of prehistoric building technique still in use in this region. Characteristically, they feature pyramidal, domed or conical roofs built up of corbelled limestone slabs. Right now Trulli is protected. It is very strict now If people like to renovate the Trulli or build a new one.


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在阿爾貝羅貝洛的夏天特別吸引人.其實這裡的夏天挺舒服的.通常南部的義大利下午一點到四,五點是休息時間,除了大賣場以外,幾乎所有的店都休息.到了傍晚大家才又開始活動,不過這時氣溫以慢慢降了.到了晚上有時還有點涼意呢! Summer in Alberobello is very attractive and very comfortable. It’s hot in the afternoon so most of shops are close from 13:00 to 16:00 or 17:00 except the big shopping malls. In the last afternoon people are start coming out because the temperature is dropped, so it is nice cool.



為什麼說這裡的夏天很吸引人呢? 因為夏天的晚上有很多的戶外表演活動.像今年我就看到了來自中南美跟非洲的舞蹈表演.聽說今年還有來自台灣的舞團呢,只可惜我們已經離開了.義大利的美食是世界聞名的.我們這裡也不例外.當然還有好吃到不行的冰淇淋.每次我們到義大利,去我們常去的冰淇淋店是每天必做的一件事.因為阿爾貝羅貝洛是觀光地區,所以物價比較高.若是到其他沒那麼有名的城市,冰淇淋可就好吃又便宜了. Why it’s so attractive? There are a lot of out-door activities. For example, this year I have seen dancing groups from South American and Africa. This year had Taiwanese dancing group as well but we left already, what a pity!!! Italian food is famous all of the world. Of course in Alberobello,too. How can we forget the Italian ice cream!!!! It is so delicious that we have to eat almost everyday when we are there. Because Alberobello is a famous sight-seeing area, a lot of things are more expensive than other town. If you drive to the other towns, you can have a nice and cheaper ice cream as well.




冬天的阿爾貝羅貝洛也會下雪,但基本上不多.因為以前的人沒有供暖的設備,所以基本上家裡都有壁爐.可以煮飯間取暖.當然現在先進多了,在城裡面也有集中供暖.冬天的活動雖然不像夏天那麼多,但重要的日子也是有一些活動.2005年末我們剛買房時就是剛好碰上聖誕節的活動.當天我們參加了介紹當地人以前生活的情景,相當有趣. In winter Alberobello has snow,too. Just not so often. In the pass, most trulli don’t have heating system, most family have fire places to warm up the house and for cooking as well. Now a day, most of the family have heating system. Although the activities are not so many as summer, in the important days still have some. In end of 2005 when we just bought our home, it was Christmas so we went to the Christmas show which was very interesting. We learned how local people lived in the pass.




其實到了普利亞除了阿爾貝羅貝洛有名的楚利外,吸引人的地方還有很多.像是布林迪西,塔蘭托等地.再遠可以到意大利的最南端聖瑪莉娜理歐喀.在這裡除了美麗的風景外,美食美酒,各式各樣的活動可以讓你的假期精采無比.目前到這裡旅遊的大多是歐洲客人,亞洲人只有日本團.聽說明年將有中國團到這裡旅遊了. In fact, there are a lot more places that you can visit in Apulia, such as Brindisi, Taranto etc. You also can down to the end to St. Malina Leuca. In Apulia, not only nice view but also nice food and wine.There are a lot of activities which will make your trip incredible interesting. So far those visitors are mainly European and some Japanese groups. They expect Chinese group around next year.




南部義大利一向給人的印像是黑手黨的地方,其實也不盡然.所以大家可以放心的來玩.當然義大利小偷騙子還是不算少,出門在外還是小心一點的好. Most people’s impression about south Italy is the place for Mafia. It’s not true. Anyhow, to be careful is very important wherever we travel

因為手頭上的資料不多,所以這一篇暫時介紹到此.等我將資料整理好後,再跟各位好好介紹一下阿爾貝羅貝洛. I don’t have too many information in hand. Therefore, the introduction about Alberlobello is roughly. I will write some more after I put all the information together.


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