我們雖然沒有小孩,也沒長時間住在德國.但拜我家小姑的寶貝女兒之賜,幾年前她入學時接受邀請去參觀她的入學式. We don’t have any kid and the time we live in Germany also very short. Because of my husband’s niece, I had the chance to see how was the first day in primary school for German kids.

記的我們小時候上學好像了不起家長帶你到學校門口,有的甚至只有跟哥哥姐姐一起上學.當我第一次看到德國小孩第一次的小學入學式時,覺得他們真是幸福到不行.首先,他們要到就近的教堂一起接受牧師或是神父的祝福.當然家長跟親友都一起參加.這個儀式約30分到一小時.接下來我們就到學校去. As I remember, when we were the time to go to primary school. Parents just took you to the school gate. Some of the kids just went to school with brothers or sisters. When I saw how the German kids went to school for the first day, I really envy them. At that day, first they went to church which was near by to get blessing from the church, that cost around 30~60 minutes. After that, went to school with family.





到了學校時,就依分配到的班級先到各自的教室.這時我們親友團可以到休息室休息喝咖啡等等.不多久這群小祖宗們又出來上禮堂去了.我們這群跟屁蟲也跟著到禮堂一探究竟.原來是其他年級的學生安排的迎新會.有各式各樣的表演.看的出他們很真心的歡迎新同學.這樣有的沒的一幌,一個多鐘頭就過去了.我們親友團也算是助陣暫到一個段落. When we arrived school, kids went to their class first so the family could that a rest for a coffee. Around a half hour, kids came out from the class went to auditorium. Of course we followed. There were welcome ceremony. Those shows were prepared by the grades students. It took around 1~1.5 hours. Finally the family duty was finished at first stage.






由於姪女士家中唯一的小孩.寶貝到簡直不行了.當天我們都以她為主.接下來我們到家一起吃午餐.難得家人團聚,所以閒話家常時間也就不知不覺得過了.到了傍晚,親友祝賀團不斷的來來去去.看我們的小公主是喜上眉梢.因為禮物拆不完. Because our niece is the only kid in the family, she is the real princess. At that day, she was the star. After we came back from school, we had lunch together. Because we are not so often at home, we had nice chat with our family. Around late afternoon, there were friends came and went to congratulate her first day at school. She was so happy because there were so many gifts.


德國小學入學的傳統從我家老公小時候就有了.所以也有將近四五十年的歷史了.到底有多久我沒有問過.不過聽說德國這樣的儀式是告訴小朋友,你再也不是小孩了.從上小學開始,就要認真的學習.不像在幼稚園一樣每天的玩耍.所以要開始學會負責任等等.當然每家有每家的說法.但我覺得上面的說法相當的好.通常西方的教育教小孩自立比較早.東方的教育是希望小孩用功讀書,其他的事可以不管.所以相較之下西方的小孩比較獨立自主,而東方的小孩就相對幼稚一些.各有各的好處,也就見仁見智了. This tradition is around 40~50 years already since my husband was young. I don’t know for how many years. My husband tells me that this ceremony is to tell kids that from this day you are not baby anymore. From this day you have to study hard and learn to get some responsibility. Kids cannot play around just like when they are in the kindergarten. There are different way of saying in other families but I like what my husband told me. In fact, I personally think that western people to educate kids are very different than oriental. Western educate kids to be independent from the early age but oriental parents want kids study and study. Therefore, western are more mature than oriental around teenage. Which one is better? Who knows!!!


總之,德國小孩的小學入學還是挺讓人羨慕的.不是嗎? However, the first day at school in Germany is very nice, isn’t it?


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