阿蘇位於九州的熊本縣,有著著名的火山和溫泉.趁著十月的好天氣跟連休,隨者摩托車隊一同到阿蘇旅遊. A-So is located in Kumamoto, Kyushu island. There has famous volcano and hot spring. The weather is very nice in October and there are 3 days holiday. We follow the motorbike shop’s arrangement have a trip to A-so.

星期六一大早我們就從家裡出發到相約的福山休息站會合.從倉敷到阿蘇約六百多公里需要六七個小時的路程.我們一行人共有八輛車,沿途我們經過廣島,山口,下關,過了連接本州跟九州的橋後經過福岡,總算到了阿蘇.下了高速後還有將近一百公里的路程. 雖然我們途中休息了好幾回,不過確實有點累了.到飯店的路上,我們沿途停下參觀了幾個景點.從遠處看著火山的煙徐徐上升,以為是有人在生火呢!!! 一直到火山口近處看到它的真面目,每每都讓我們讚嘆不已.也讓我們忘了一路的疲勞了.Saturday early morning we started our journey. We had to meet others at Fukuyama service area. From Kurashiki to A-So was more than 600 KM and we needed about 6~7 hours . All together we had 8 motorbikes . We rode through Hiroshima, Yamaguchi, Shimonoseki. From Shimonoseki through the bridge which connect 2 big islands and arrived Fukuoka. After Fukuoka, finally we reached A-So. Even we left the high way there was still around 100Km to go. Although we stopped several times, we were very tired by then. However, on the way to hotel, we stopped at several sightseeing points to look at the volcano. Looked at the volcano from far way just like someone made a fire. More closer we were, more surprise we did. The beautiful views let us forget all the tiredness and felt so happy.






晚上我們住在附近的內牧溫泉.車隊的其他區域的車友因為比較近,所以早早就到了飯店,享受溫泉的洗禮,舒舒服服的等著晚餐.我們因為到的晚,匆匆的換了衣服就到餐廳跟大家會合.到了餐廳一看,有點給他不好意思……,每個人都穿著浴衣跟拖鞋???? 我們雖不至於穿的很正式,但是我們穿著休閒服跟皮鞋……唉,文化不同就是會鬧些笑話!!!! We stayed at hot spring hotel that night. Other rider members live closer, so they arrived the hotel much earlier than us and already enjoyed the hot spring just waited for the dinner. We just had 15 minutes to get some change. After my husband and I arrived the restaurant, we were a little bit embarrassed. Everybody wore pajamas and slippers except us. I think that is culture difference.




晚餐是日本料理.跟其他的聚餐一樣,總有一些頭頭說話然後舉杯慶祝等等.接下來大家盡情的的吃吃喝喝.等到酒足飯飽後,就開始了遊戲.因為有獎品,就來個集體剪刀石頭布.我跟我家老公還贏了兩件T恤衫呢!!聚餐後當然是溫泉時光了.我們兩個鄉巴佬因為怕再次出醜,選擇了私人的泡湯.不是我愛說,真是舒服到不行了.我們選擇了露天的溫泉,在屋頂上泡著溫泉看著星星,難怪日本人喜歡泡溫泉. We had Japanese food that night. Same as other dinners, there were always someone had to say something before we had a toast and started dinner. After eating and drinking, we had a game that we could win something. My husband and I won 2 T-shirts. Finally was the time for hot spring!!! We were afraid to make mistake again. We had private both instead of public one. It was so so so nice!!! We had both outside on the roof that we can see the stars. No wander that Japanese likes hot spring.



第二天一早,跟著車隊到大觀頂看雲海.因為天氣很好,雲海不是很厚,所以也就不是很吸引人.但是到這裡的人真是多到不行了.回到飯店后,剛好碰到當地神社的活動.看到當地人穿上傳統的服裝,讓我興奮不已.真是不虛此行喔. Next day early morning we rode to the mountain again to see the cloud sea. Because the weather was so nice that didn’t have enough clouds, therefore I think it’s not so attractive. Even though, there were so many people. On the way back to hotel, we saw local Jinja’s festival that people wore traditional clothes which very interesting and made me very excited. It’s really worth to come here.






結束了阿蘇之旅,踏上回家了路程.我們脫離了隊伍到了福岡瞧一瞧.晚上到著名的屋台(路邊攤)享用拉麵.讓我們有回家的感覺.因為時間很短,所以沒到景點參觀.不過福岡很適合夜生活的人.像我們這樣早睡早起的人,偶爾逛逛也就可以了. Finished the A-So trip we left other riders and we to Fukuoka. We had Yatai that night which similar like night market in Taiwan. It made us like home. As the time was too short to make a sightseeing, we just did some shopping. Fukuoka is suitable for the people who likes night life. We got up too earlier so there were not too much to see.



九州真是個不錯的地方,希望下次還有機會到這裡好好的玩一玩. Kyushu is a very nice place, I hope we still have a chance to visit Kyushu again.

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