Joe's Cabin is a coffee bar which we spend a lot of time over there while we were in Tanghai (China) . There are a lot of memories, if you have a chance to go to Tanghai, please visit Joe's Cabin coffer bar!!! 在唐海時,Joe's Cabin 跟我們有著密切的關係.那裡有著我們的酸甜苦辣.如果有機會到唐海,請到別有洞天的Joe's Cabin.

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Spring in Japan is very important, there are a lot of activities during middle of March through May. In Kurashiki, spring night is the beginning of all events. 春天在日本是個很重要的季節.我們會知道櫻花開的時間跟地點外,還有一連串的活動一直到五月截止.在我們住的倉敷市,春宵之祭就是個起頭.

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Inexplicable, my husband and I like to go to markets very much. Almost every place we go, the first thing is check where is the market.我跟我家老公超愛逛市場.每當我們到一個地方,第一件事就是找市場.

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When we move to a new place, one important thing is where to put the garbage. 每當我們搬到一個新的地方,除了一般的生活起居外還有一件很重要的是,那就是倒垃圾.

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Since we arrive Japan, we look for a normal market, finally we find one. 自從我們到日本後,四處打聽哪裡有菜市場.上週日總算是找到了.

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