今天整理照片時,看到兩年前參加我表妹訂婚的酒席.我想現在在台灣這種黑松酒席已經不多了吧!加上我離開台灣好一段時間了,看到照片口水都要流出來了.所以藉此機會跟大家分享一下台灣美食. When I checked my pictures today I saw the engagement party of my cousin. It was kind of outdoor party which is not so common in Taiwan now. Therefore, I would like to share the pictures.

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還沒到韓國之前,說真的我對韓國除了泡菜外對韓國是一點印象也沒有.所以我是腦子一片空白的跟著我家老公到了韓國,開始我們為期約兩年的韓國生活. Before I come to Korea, to be honest, I do not have any idea about Korea except Kimji. For this trip I just follow my husband and start our life in Korea.

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可能我從小就是遷移的命吧!從小到大搬家的次數多到自己也記不清了.現在跟我家老公嫁雞隨雞,更是每一,兩年就要搬一次家.想到打包我就一個頭兩個大. Since I was young, I often moved from one place to the others with my family that I even could not remember how many times I had moved. After I married, because my husband’s work, every one or two year have to move to a new place. Right now whenever I think about packing, I have headache.

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Because my husband’s work always has to move from one place to the other, so almost every year we celebrate our New Year in different places. This year we celebrate in Japan. 因為我家老公工作的緣故,我們幾乎每年都在不同的地方過新年.今年我們是在日本慶祝的.

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Omochi is very important for Japanese. During the normal time, Japanese has a lot of different desserts made by omochi. New year time even more important that every family must have Omochi and it will be the main dishes for most of Japanese family. 麻糬在日本佔了相當重要的地位.在平時,有很多菓子都是用麻糬的原料來製作.到了過年,麻糬更是重要.幾乎家家戶戶都要準備,同時新年期間吃麻糬幾乎是主要的正餐.

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