這次假期特別安排在七月底的原因之一是為了參加同事的婚禮.一般而言,不是好朋友在歐洲是不會被邀請參加的.所以我們說什麼也要想辦法參加. This year we arranged our holiday in end of July, one of the reason was going to colleague’s wedding in Czech. Normally, if you are not a good friend you won’t be invited for the wedding. Therefore, we tried our best to go to the wedding.
- Oct 19 Mon 2009 10:48
捷克的婚禮 Czech wedding
- Oct 02 Fri 2009 19:06
住日本的好處 The advantage of living in Japan
到日本已經有半年多了.由於語言不通造成生活上種種的不便,加上日本人有禮但不友善的態度以及超高的物價,讓我對日本的印象是大打折扣.不過住在日本真的一點好處都沒有吗? 也不盡然.我就我個人的觀點舉幾項事物供大家參考. I am where in Japan more than half year now. At beginning, because of language, we had a lot of troubles. Plus the Japanese are polite but not friendly and living cost is very high that let me have a bad impression about Japan. Is there any advantage live in Japan? To be honest, of course it has. I will tell you something from my point of view.
- Oct 01 Thu 2009 06:36
瑞士之旅 Trip to Switzerland
大多數的人到了瑞士都到著名的觀光景點,像是蘇黎世,琉森,盧桑,少女峰等等. 我因為工作之便加上朋友之賜,這些地方早些年我都去過了.我這趟瑞士之旅是專程拜訪朋友的.所以到的地方幾乎都不是觀光的地方,就算是的話也幾乎沒有亞洲的遊客.Most of people travel to Switzerland are going to visit Zuerich, Luzern, Lausanne Jungfraubahn etc. Because of my work before and I have a friend in Switzerland, most of places I have been already. Therefore, for this trip just specially visit my friend. Those places I have been this time were not for tourists. Even it was, there were hardly to see an Asian.
- Jul 16 Thu 2009 13:26
My Japanese School 我的日本學校
我跟我先生到日本工作,因為都不會說日文,所以生活上很不方便.為了生活能方便一些,我就近找了一所日語學校學起日文. Because my husband and I cannot speak Japanese, it is very inconvenient for us to live in Japan. Therefore, I find a school nearby to learn Japanese.
- Jul 05 Sun 2009 20:47
My Japan experience 我的日本經驗
Most of people come to Japan either for traveling, studying, working or married a Japanese. Somebody like me follow husband to come to here, I think won’t be too much.大多數的人到日本要不就是觀光,留學或是工作,要不就是跟日本人結婚.像我這樣拖油瓶似的跟著丈夫到這裡的好樣不是很多.
Before I came to Japan, I was so look forward it. I was in China almost 8 years and I had enough of those uncivilized behavior, such as spitting or not follow the traffic light. 在我到日本以前,我在中國住了將近8年.因為受夠了在中國隨地吐痰或是不遵守交通規則等不文明的行為.對於到日本,我是充滿著期待.